Your Collection Day

For single-family residences, garbage and compost is collected every week while recycling is collected every other week. If you live in an apartment or condo, the collection day may be more frequent.
Manage your collection day with the following tools:
- First, make sure you properly sort your waste into the right containers.
- Look up your collection day online or using the Recycle It App.
- Learn how to set out waste containers or sign up for backyard pickup service.
You can report problems with your containers or request services:
- Report a missed collection.
- Report a missing or damaged container.
- Change your container size. (View the cart size calculator.)
- Request a special pickup for extra or bulky items.
- Manage your utilities account.
Note: Seattle Housing Authority customers do not receive garbage or food & yard waste service from Seattle Public Utilities. Please contact the Seattle Housing Authority for your collection information.
There was a problem with your cart, like garbage in your recycling cart or plastic in your food & yard waste cart. Read the tag and fix the problem in time for your next service day. Collection drivers use the tags to make sure recycling and compost are clean and that your garbage cart contains only safe materials and isn't overflowing.
If you have more questions about your "Oops" tag, you may call Customer Service at (206) 684-3000.

Garbage oops tag

Recycling oops tag

Food & yard oops tag