Report and Monitor
If you have significant tree damage, obvious signs of invasive pests, or even an invasive insect you can report them here:
- Washington Invasive Species Council Reporting App
- Trees for Seattle Ask an Expert
- In the right of way – contact SDOT
- In a city park- contact
Check our website for current pest issues and information. The Washington Invasive Species Council website has additional information on all pests currently in Washington and priority pests that have not yet been detected in our state but that we are watching for.
It is important to know that the information on pests that have not been detected yet in Washington State (Emerald Ash Borer, Asian Longhorn Beetle, Sirex woodwasp) is from other parts of the country. Because of the regional and climactic differences between the Pacific Northwest and other regions, we do not yet know how these pests will behave when and if they arrive in our area.
This educational tool is part of an ongoing citywide project to create Seattle’s Invasive Pest Response Plan, created by Seattle Committee for Invasive Pests and Trees for Seattle. Our upcoming plan is being built based on guidance from the Washington Urban Forest Pest Readiness Playbook