2017 District 6 – Projects

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District 6 - Project Updates

2017 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects

STREETS | 20th Ave NW and Leary Way NW 

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
Ballard has many pedestrian attractions. However, the intersection geometry at 20th Ave NW and Leary Ave NW is a challenge to cross. People driving have a long, straight shot along Leary Way NW, which makes it hard for pedestrians to cross. An all-way stop at this intersection increases walkability, safety, and predictability.

Project Solution(s):

Install a new all-way stop with overhead flashing beacons

Install new painted curb bulbs to effectively shorten crossing distances

Install new marked crosswalks

Construction was completed in May 2018.

20th Ave northwest and leary way northwest crossing upgrades map

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STREETS | Whitman Ave N and N 50th St

Upgraded Signage

Project Description and Goals:
The crosswalk at Whitman Ave N and N 50th St is divided by a concrete wall at the Aurora Avenue bridge. People driving eastbound on N 50th St cannot see well beyond the barrier to look for pedestrians. Installing advanced warning signs to alert people driving of pedestrians improves safety at this intersection.

Project Solution(s):

Install a "stop ahead" sign for eastbound traffic

Install a stop bar and "stop here for pedestrians" sign for westbound traffic

Install signs to eastbound and northbound approaches with a warning that westbound "traffic does not stop"

Construction was completed in April 2018.

Whitman ave north and north 50th street upgraded signage map

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STREETS | Dayton Ave N and N 50th St

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
High vehicle speeds have been observed on N 50th Street near Dayton Avenue N, which makes it challenging for pedestrians to cross. The existing marked crosswalk at Dayton Ave N and N 50th St provides connections to KapKa Cooperative School, Woodland Park Zoo and the War Memorial Garden Park. The installation of crossing beacons improves the safety and predictability at this marked crosswalk.

Project Solution(s):

Install crossing beacons

Upgrade curb ramps to meet ADA standards

Construction was completed in March 2021 after the paving project was completed.

Please check the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving & Mulit-Modal Improvements project for the latest updates.

Dayton ave north and north 50th street crossing upgrade map

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STREETS |Corliss Ave N and N 80th St

Crossing Upgrade

Project Description and Goals:
Many people use the crosswalk at N 80th St and Corliss Ave N to reach bus stops, Green Lake, and various schools. It has been observed that people driving on N 80th St rarely stop, despite the existing safety measures (marked crosswalk and crossing flags). Installing a curb bulb will decrease crossing distance, make pedestrians more visible and calm traffic.

Project Solution(s):

Install curb bulb

Construction was completed in April 2019.

Please check the Green Lake and Wallingford Paving & Mulit-Modal Improvements project for the latest updates.

Corliss ave north and north 80th street crossing upgrade map

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STREETS | 14th Ave NW between Holman Rd NW and NW 95th St

Corridor Enhancements and Traffic Calming Measures

Project Description and Goals:
As part of the N Seattle Neighborhood Greenway project paint and post curb bulbs are being added at 14th Ave NW and NW 92nd St and the path in Crown Hill Park widened to 10 feet. To improve the connection to these improvements, traffic calming 14th Ave NW by adding wheel stops on both sides of 14th from Holman Rd to NW 92nd and wheel stops and landscaping on the east side of 14th Ave NW to NW 95th St.

Project Solution(s):

Neighborhood Greenways will construct intersection improvements at 14th Ave NW and NW 92nd St

Install wheel stops on both sides of 14th Ave NW from Holman Road to NW 92nd St

Install landscaping on the east side of 14th Ave NW and NW 95th St

This project will not move forward due to anticipated street improvements planned with future improvements to the Crown Hill Center. Additionally, in August 2019, the North Seattle neighborhood greenway was constructed and put in an all-way stop at 14th Ave NW & NW 92nd St intersection.

14th ave northwest between holman road northwest and northwest 95th street, intersection upgrade and traffic calming measures map

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STREETS | 24th Ave NW and NW 70th St

Crossing Upgrade

Project Description and Goals:
The existing pedestrian half signal at 24th Ave NW and NW 70th St does not have accessible pedestrian signal (APS), which communicates information about the walk and don't walk intervals for people with low vision or are blind. Installing an APS improves accessibility, safety and predictability for all travelers.

Project Solution(s):

Install an accessible pedestrian signal (APS)

Construction was completed in April 2018.

24th ave northwest and northwest 70th street crossing upgrade map

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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