District 3 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 3 — Project Updates

2019 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Streets Elected Projects

* Projects in Equity & Environment Initiative (EEI) Focus Areas

STREETS | Bellevue Ave and Minor Ave and E Union St

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

A non-standard intersection was formed at the intersection of Bellevue Ave, Minor Ave and E Union St, where two different street grids meet. Even though a traffic circle exists in the center to slow traffic into the intersection, it has been observed that intersection movements are unclear especially for people who walk. We will mark splitter islands and install "Stop" signs and stop bars to clarify the movements into the intersection. We will also maintain the vegetation in the traffic circle to improve the sightlines and make spot pavement repairs to remove uneven surfaces.

This YVYC program has been coordinating with the Melrose Promenade project, and this work will complement their design.

Project Solutions

  • Mark splitter islands
  • Install new "Stop" signs and stop bars
  • Maintain the landscape within the traffic circle
  • Make spot pavement repairs

Neighborhood: First Hill

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in August 2021.

Bellevue Ave Project Map

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STREETS | 20th Ave S between S Lane St and S Judkins St

Traffic Calming Improvements

Project Overview

In response to higher vehicle speeds and volumes, we're planning new traffic calming on 20th Ave S, between S Lane St and S Judkins St, to increase pedestrian and neighborhood safety.

Project Solutions

  • Install speed cushions along 20th Ave S; exact locations to be determined
  • Repaint parking lane and bike lane lines

Neighborhood: Judkins Park

Total Cost: $114,500
YVYC Funds: $114,500

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in April 2022.20th Ave S Project Map

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STREETS | Leschi Elementary School

Street Enhancements

Project Overview

In response to higher vehicle speeds and volumes near the Leschi Elementary School, we're planning a variety of measures including new traffic calming along 31st Ave and 32nd Ave, and installing new school zone flashing beacons and a new marked crosswalk.

Project Solutions

  • Install speed humps along 31st Ave between E Yesler Way and E Alder St; exact locations to be determined
  • Install speed humps along 32nd Ave between E Spruce St and E Alder St; exact locations to be determined
  • Install school zone flashing beacons for westbound Lake Dell Ave traffic
  • Install school zone flashing beacons for northbound 31st Ave S traffic
  • Install a marked crosswalk on the west leg of the intersection at 31st Ave and E Spruce St 
  • Install new "Stop" signs and stop bars for east-west traffic on E Spruce St at 31st Ave
  • Restrict parking within the intersection of 30th Ave and E Spruce St

Neighborhood: Leschi

Total Cost: $79,500
YVYC Funds: $79,500

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in May 2022.

Leschi Elementary School Project Map

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STREETS |16th Ave S and S Weller St

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

To address the existing, undersized traffic circle, we'll enlarge the traffic circle to accommodate the large tree and calm traffic approaching the intersection. We'll also formalize the parking restrictions at the approaches to improve overall visibility at the intersection.

Project Solutions

  • Widen the existing traffic circle at 16th Ave S and S Weller St
  • Install "No Parking" signs at the approaches of the intersection

Neighborhood: Little Saigon

Total Cost: $30,000
YVYC Funds: $30,000

Project Schedule and Updates

We anticipate construction as soon as spring 2023 pending adjacent redevelopment.

16th Ave Project Map

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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