Safer Streets
Safer Streets
Safer streets are those that mitigate human mistakes, are self-enforcing by design, encourage safe travel behaviors, protect the most vulnerable users, and reduce potential for high-severity crashes.
Key Strategies
- Integrate safety improvements into all capital projects.
- Advance responsive safety treatments to address crash patterns.
- Scale up the proactive implementation of proven safety measures before crashes occur.
- Improve dedicated facilities for people walking, rolling, biking and taking transit.
Proven Safety Measures
- Design Measures
- Intersection Daylighting
- Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings
- Sidewalks and Walkways
- Protected Bike Lanes
- School Zone Safety Improvements
- Intersection and Corridor Lighting
- Hardened Centerlines and Turn Calming
- Curb Bulbs
- Neighborhood Traffic Circles and Roundabouts
- Signal Head Upgrades and Reflective Backplates
- Roadway Reconfigurations
- Operational Measures
- Leading Pedestrian Intervals
- No Turn on Red
- Protected Turn Phasing
- Turn Restrictions and Access Management