Banner Way NE

 This project is complete!

If you have any remaining questions or concerns about the NE 65th St Vision Zero project, please contact us at 206-684-ROAD (7623) or

Project Overview

Following the collaborative work with the community for the NE 75th Street project, we’re continuing this work through Banner Way NE to implement the Pedestrian Master Plan and Bicycle Master Plan. We are committed to building a transportation infrastructure that supports a safe and vibrant community.

We’ll work with the community to consider changes to this street in an effort to bring down speeds and make the roadway safer for neighbors and all travelers, as part of our Vision Zero plan to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on Seattle’s streets by 2030.

Together, we will determine the specific nature and design elements of these changes through the process described below. New safety measures may include, but not be limited to: signage improvements, arterial traffic calming, roadway design changes, traffic signal modifications, pavement repair, and safety enhancements for people walking and biking.

Since collision data tells us that the majority of collisions are caused by behavioral issues such as speeding, distraction, and impairment (driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs), we will pair roadway changes with new enforcement strategies and area-specific educational outreach.

This project is funded by the Levy to Move Seattle. Approved by voters in 2015, the 9-year, $930 million Levy to Move Seattle provides funding to improve safety for all travelers, maintain our streets and bridges, and invest in reliable, affordable travel options for a growing city.

Project Materials

October 17 meeting materials

March 30 meeting materials


Conceptual Designs

We defined potential roadway improvement alternatives based on community input and traffic data.

  • March 2016 (Fairview Church, 844 NE 78th St)

Design Alternatives Review Meeting

At this meeting, we shared conceptual improvement options and seek comments from the community.

  • October 2016 (Roosevelt High School cafeteria, 1410 NE 66th St)

Community Engagement Activities

  • April 2016 – walk and talk with neighbors
  • June 2016 – group bike ride
  • October 2016 – walk and talk with neighbors

Implementation (2017)

  • Short-term improvements, such as changes to signs and pavement markings
  • Design for civil improvements
  • SDOT will develop a funding strategy for longer term improvements

Evaluation — Ongoing

  • Seek and respond to community feedback
  • Collect and evaluate speed, volume and collision data at one-year intervals
  • Make adjustments if needed
  • Bicycle Facilities
    • Desire for bike facilities
    • Opposition to bicycle facilities
    • Connect bike lanes for this project all the way to the bike facilities starting at 15th Ave NE & NE 75th St
    • Bike lanes cause congestion – for 5th Ave NE and Roosevelt Way NE.
  • NE 80th St & Banner Way NE
    • Improve visibility of yield signs
    • Install physical treatment to remind drivers of the merge
  • 5th Ave NE & Banner Way NE
    • Vehicles use 6th Ave NE (NB) and NE 78th St (WB) as a bypass route to avoid backups at 5th Ave NE
    • This intersection needs a traffic signal
    • Improve safety at the pedestrian crossings.  For example, turning cars do not see pedestrians.
    • Do not reduce 2 lanes each way or there will be congestion
  • Banner Way NE / NE 75th St "curve"
    • Excessive speeding at the curve
    • Vehicles do not park along Banner Way NE due to vehicle speeds around the curve.
    • There is limited visibility for turning vehicles from 8th Ave NE
    • Improve signage for pedestrians
  • 8th Ave NE & Banner Way NE
    • Restrict left turns
  • 9th Ave NE & Banner Way NE
    • Improve safety and visibility for pedestrians at the marked crosswalk (south leg of intersection)
    • Physical separation so vehicles do not bypass queue of cars going onto I-5
  • Pedestrian facilities and traffic calming
    • Install a traffic circle at 6th Ave NE & NE 78th St
    • Requests for ramps


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.