3rd and Yesler Safety Improvements

Updated July 2024

What's Happening Now?

Construction will begin as soon as July 15, 2024! If you have questions about the project, please contact the project outreach lead listed to the right. You can also sign up for email updates to stay informed on the project's construction schedule. 

Project Overview

Image shows the conditions today at 3rd Ave and Yesler Way looking north

Image above shows the conditions today at 3rd Ave and Yesler Way looking north 

3rd and Yesler and the nearby area is one of the busiest bus corridors in the state - collecting every bus that comes in and out of 3rd Ave downtown. It's also busy with people walking and biking to and from places to access social services, the Pioneer Square Link Light Rail station, the King County Courthouse, and major bus stops.

The intersection of 3rd and Yesler has experienced a high number of collisions for people walking and biking. In particular, drivers are prone to hitting pedestrians in the west and north crosswalks of 3rd and Yesler. ​To mitigate these collisions, we are making safety improvements that we have tested over the past two years. Read more below about our safety improvement pilot and how it has become a fixture in the Pioneer Square area.  

Phase 1: Pilot Period (July 2022)

We initally wanted to test the efficacy of traffic control and separating pedestrians and cyclists from car traffic. So we installed paint and posts  to remove a northbound travel lane on 3rd Ave across Yesler Way. We also  removed the right-turn slip lane from southbound 3rd Ave to Yesler Way. The paint and posts we used created  temporary curb bulbs at street corners where pedestrians cross the street. Lastly, the project revised parking near the intersection and connected the Yesler Way’s protected bike lane to 4th Ave S along Dilling Way. In collaboration with King County Metro, we were able to monitor bus traffic and found that buses traveled efficiently with these changes. Based on the success of the pilot project, permanent improvements. 

A photo showing new striping and flex posts on 3rd Ave

We used paint and posts to remove a northbound travel lane and southbound right turn lane on 3rd Ave at the Yesler Way intersection.

Phase 2: Interim Striping (August 2022)

With the goal of making these changes more permanent, we added more durable materials and striping to the roadway.  

We’ll be replacing temporary paint and posts with concrete to create curb bulbs that will shorten and align pedestrian crossings.

Phase 3: Permanent Improvements

We finalized the  design of the permanent improvements in early 2024. Now, construction will begin  in July 2024! The permanent improvements will: 

  • Improve safety and areas for people walking and rolling: Align and shorten pedestrian crossings, repair and widen sidewalks, install curb ramps and curb bulbs, and permanently remove the travel lanes that were removed in the pilot project.
  • Upgrade protected bike lane: Install bicycle signal heads, provide permanent bike lane protection along Yesler Way west of 3rd Ave, repave the bike lane on Dilling Way, and redesign the bike crossing across 3rd Ave to separate people on bikes from people walking.  
  • Improve public spaces: Provide additional street trees, pedestrian lighting, and wayfinding signs.

Below is the final project design: 

Project map showing proposed permanent improvements and potential future improvements at 3rd Ave and Yesler Way.


Image shows a cutout of SDOT’s Public Life Action Plan

This project was originally identified as part of the One Center City Near-Term Action Plan​ which is a collaboration between King County, Sound Transit, and SDOT that identified key projects and programs that will help keep people and the economy moving even as major construction projects and growth-related congestion reduce street capacity.

The project was also selected because of high collisions around 3rd Ave and Yesler prior to the installation of the pilot project. It's also a safety priority identified within the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Analysis (BPSA).  

In 2019, SDOT conducted a public life study, which included Prefontaine Place and City Hall Park​. The findings at these locations found:

  • Very few women, youth, or elderly using these public spaces​
  • High concentration of people near busy transit locations​
  • City Hall Park was underutilized​
  • Spaces lack identity, a sense of place, and do not function as a cohesive network

A graphic map showing an aerial view of conditions today at 3rd Ave and Yesler Way

For more information about other improvements we're making to 3rd Ave for people walking, biking, and taking the bus, visit our 3rd Ave Improvements webpage


More to Come as we have the final schedule updated. Construction is slated to last approximately 3-4 months.


This current project budget is $2M and is funded by the One Center City program, Landscape Conservation and Local Infrastructure (LCLIP) program, Bicycle program, and Vision Zero program. The One Center City program is co-funded by King County, Sound Transit, and SDOT.​


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Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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