2018 District 1 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 1 — Project Updates

2018 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Streets Elected Projects

* Projects in Equity & Environment Initiative (EEI) Focus Areas

STREETS | 16th Ave SW and South Seattle College

Pedestrian Lighting Upgrade

Project Overview

The King County Metro Route 125 northbound transit stop, located on 16th Ave SW next to South Seattle College’s campus, suffers from poor visibility at night and serves as an important stop for students.

Installing pedestrian lighting enhances safety, visibility, and accessibility.

Project Solutions

  • Install pedestrian lighting

Neighborhood: Riverview

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed, and it was turned on in July 2022.

16th Ave SW Project Map

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STREETS | Dallas Ave S, 12th Ave S, and S Thistle St

Intersection Improvements

Project Overview

The 5-way intersection geometry at Dallas Ave S, 12th Ave S, and S Thistle St is a challenge for drivers to navigate and pedestrians to cross. The intersection is near a large growing business and supports pedestrian access to a nearby bus stop. Adding hatched barrier striping defines travel paths and aligns vehicles as they approach the intersection and improves safety and predictability for all travelers.

Project Solutions

  • Install hatched barrier striping on the northwest and west legs of the intersection

Neighborhood: South Park

Total Cost: $3,500
YVYC Funds: $3,500

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in May 2019.

Dallas Ave Project Map

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STREETS | S Cloverdale St under SR-99

Upgraded Sidewalk

Project Overview

The sidewalk on the south side of S Cloverdale St under SR-99 supports a high volume of pedestrian traffic, and people walking to Concord Elementary School and the South Park Library. Enhancing the existing sidewalk improves comfortability, safety, and accessibility.

Pedestrian enhancements will be made under the Your Voice, Your Choice program.

Project Solutions

  • Identify pedestrian enhancements for the sidewalk on the south side of S Cloverdale St under SR-99
  • Partner with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program for implementation

Neighborhood: South Park

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in January 2022.

Please check out the S Cloverdale Pedestrian Enhancement Project webpage for the latest update.

Cloverdale Project Map

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STREETS | 12th Ave S and S Henderson St

Upgraded Signage

Project Overview

Currently, 12th Ave S and S Henderson St is an uncontrolled intersection. This means that there are no traffic control devices in place, and it can be challenging to determine who has the right of way.

Installing “Yield” signs improves traffic control, alerts people driving to others, and improves safety.

Project Solutions

  • Install yield signs to control 12th Ave S approaches at S Henderson St

Neighborhood: South Park

Total Cost: $2,000
YVYC Funds: $2,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in January 2019.

12th Ave Project Map

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STREETS | California Ave SW and SW College St

Crossing Improvements

Project Overview

Many people use the intersection of California Ave SW and SW College St to reach destinations in West Seattle such as, the West Seattle Public Library, child care facilities, entertainment, the Admiral business district, and more.

It has been reported as a challenging crossing for pedestrians, despite the existing crosswalk, and was the location of a serious pedestrian and vehicle collision in 2016. Installing a curb bulb and new street light decreases crossing distance, make pedestrians more visible, and calm the flow of traffic.

Project Solutions

  • Install a new curb bulb on the southeast corner
  • Install ADA compliant curb ramps
  • Install a new streetlight on the southeast corner

Neighborhood: Admiral

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in September 2019.

California Ave Project Area Map

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PARKS | Delridge Community Center

Basketball Court Improvements

Project Overview

The Delridge Community Center supports the nearby Delridge community, and many Seattle area residents. Athletics provide a positive and healthy outlet for children, including at risk youth.

Upgrading the gathering space adjacent to the basketball court, encourages community, health, and creates a more pleasant and enjoyable place to gather and/or spectate.

Project Solutions

  • Upgrade gathering space
  • Plant trees on the hillside adjacent to the basketball court

Neighborhood: Delridge

Total Cost: $7,000
YVYC Funds: $7,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in October 2019.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Delridge Community Center project map

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PARKS | Puget Boulevard Commons-Cottage Grove Park and 26th Ave SW

Play Equipment Upgrades

Project Overview

The Puget Boulevard Commons-Cottage Grove Park playground, located at 26th Ave SW and Puget Blvd SW, is regularly used by school children, and developmentally disabled adults and teens from a nearby daycare.

Many of the park structures are outdated, worn, or broken down. Installing new and refurbished play structures improves safety and creates a more pleasant and enjoyable space.

Project Solutions

  • Refurbish and install new play equipment strategically

Neighborhood: North Delridge

Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in April 2020.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Puget Blvd Project Map

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PARKS | Lincoln Park

Seating Improvements

Project Overview

Lincoln Park is West Seattle’s major multi-purpose park and supports 4.6 miles of walking paths, 3.9 miles of bike trails, five picnic shelters, acres of playfields, and much more. However, the park lacks adequate seating space, which prevents people from enjoying the entire park, including locations that require more travel. Increasing seating options improves accessibility, comfortability, and a more pleasant and enjoyable space.

Project Solutions

  • Install park benches at various locations within the park

Neighborhood: Fauntleroy

Total Cost: $15,300
YVYC Funds: $15,300

Project Schedule and Updates

Construction was completed in August 2019.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Lincoln Park Map

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PARKS | Roxhill Park

Trail Improvements

Project Overview

Roxhill Park contains a vital wetland, complete with a trail system used by many Seattle area residents. At many locations the existing trail system is not accessible to everyone, and several bridges need repair or replacement.

Upgrading the trail system improves connectivity and accessibility for everyone.

Project Solutions

  • Repair or replace several park bridges
  • Improve ADA access on wetland trails
  • Improve drainage by amphitheater/seating space

Neighborhood: Roxhill

Total Cost: $88,800
YVYC Funds: $88,800

Project Schedule and Updates

We anticipate construction as soon as winter/spring 2021.

Please check Seattle Parks and Recreation for the latest updates.

Roxhill Park Project Map

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Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.