Pedestrian Crossings

Updated March 2023

What's Happening Now?

Driver Education Campaigns

Washington State Law requires that drivers stop for pedestrians to cross at all intersections, even if they are not marked. Despite broad awareness of this law, we continue to observe low rates of driver compliance. SDOT was successfully awarded a grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to educate drivers and encourage them to drive more safely.

In 2022, we launched a campaign that can be seen on billboards, buses, social media, yard signs, and heard on the radio. The campaign asks drivers to “Slow the Flock Down” and lets them know that in Seattle, most arterial speed limits are 25 mph. We are also asking drivers to “Stop for Flock’s Sake” at both marked and unmarked crosswalks. This is one piece of designing a system to save lives and meet our goal of Vision Zero

Stop for flocks sake.

Crosswalk Requests

We receive a lot of requests from community members who would like a crosswalk to be marked (painted) in their neighborhood.  Nearly all intersections are legal pedestrian crossings, even if a crosswalk is not marked there. At the right location, marking a crosswalk and adding signs increases the number of drivers that stop for people to cross. In turn, this improves safety for pedestrians.

At locations where a crosswalk has been requested, SDOT first conducts an engineering study to determine whether a marked crosswalk is the best improvement for that location given a set of criteria. For example, most four lane roads require a full traffic signal to facilitate pedestrian crossings. 

We must also make difficult decision about where to make improvements, like a marked crosswalk, given our limited resources. Therefore, we generally consider the following factors when deciding whether to mark a crosswalk:

  1. If it is a non-arterial or arterial street next to a school and leads to a campus entrance
  2. If it is on an arterial street with no more than two travel lanes (could have a center turn lane too), relatively low-to-medium driver speeds and vehicle usage, and has one or more of the following characteristics:
  • Connects a multi-use trail
  • Part of a Neighborhood Greenway or Healthy Street
  • Near a frequent transit stop that is heavily used
  • Within a Displacement Risk Index which provides a longer-term view of displacement risk based on neighborhood characteristics like the presence of vulnerable populations and amenities that tend to increase real estate demand.
  • Part of a larger infrastructure project, such as corridor repaving
  • NOT on a curve or slope where sightlines are a concern
  • It is several blocks to the nearest marked crosswalk
  • Near destinations where we tend to see more pedestrians such as parks, community spaces (like libraries, food banks, churches), and places serving seniors, kids, or people with disabilities. 

If, based on the above criteria, you feel you have a good location to mark a crosswalk, please submit your request at under “general inquiry - transportation.”

  • የእግረኛ መንገድን ለመጠየቅ ቦታውን በኢሜል ወደ በርዕሰ-ጉዳይ መስመር [“crosswalk request”] ይላኩ።
  • 欲請求設置行人穿越道,請使用電子郵件將確切地點以郵件主旨 [“crosswalk request”] 發送至
  • 횡단보도 설치를 요청하려면 [“crosswalk request”]라는 제목의 이메일을 walkandbike@seattle.gov로 보내 해당 위치를 알려주십시오.
  • Hadii aad rabto inaad codsato isgoys, Fadlan goobta meesha uu ku yaal iimaylkaan ku soo dir Mawduuca iimaylkana waxaad ka dhigtaa [“crosswalk request”].
  • Para pedir un cruce peatonal, envíe un correo electrónico con la ubicación a con [“crosswalk request”] en el asunto del mensaje.
  • Upang humiling ng tawiran, i-email ang lokasyon sa na mayroon linya ng paksa [“crosswalk request”].
  • Để yêu cầu một lối băng qua đường, vui lòng gửi vị trí yêu cầu qua email đến với dòng tiêu đề [“crosswalk request”].

To learn more about which intersections are planned for improvements or have recently been improved, see the Pedestrian Master Plan Implementation Plans which are updated annually. 


Levy to Move Seattle

Funding from the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle was allocated for projects identified in the Pedestrian Master Plan. One category includes improving crossings of arterials at high priority locations.  Over the course of the levy, SDOT has committed to improve at least 16 intersections per year. 

Pedestrian Projects Toolkit

Improved crossings include a wide array of treatments such as marking a legal crosswalk, installing a pedestrian refuge island, installing a rectangular rapid flashing beacon, constructing concrete curb bulbs, or providing pedestrians a head start at intersections using "leading pedestrian intervals."  To see a more complete list, view SDOT's Pedestrian Projects Toolkit.  

Curb Bulbs

Watch this short video to learn more about the benefits of curb bulbs:

Hardened Centerlines

In September 2021, hardened centerlines were installed at four intersections along Rainier Ave S and in July 2022, two additional locations were added. These are small rubber barriers next to crosswalks that require people driving to make slower, more square left-hand turns. This small change has been proven to significantly slow down vehicle speeds at crosswalks and improve safety for people in the crosswalk. Learn more here.

Other Resources

Translation and Interpretation

Translation and Interpretation services available upon request: (206) 400-7511.

Dịch và thông dịch sẵn sàng nếu có sự yêu cầu (206) 400-7511.

Servicios de traducción e interpretación disponibles bajo petición (206) 400-7511.

Turjubaanka waxaa lagu heli karaa codsasho a (206) 400-7511.

요청하시면 번역이나 통역을 제공해드립니다 (206) 400-7511.

如果您需要此信息翻譯成中文 請致電 (206) 400-7511.

Tagalog mangyari lamang na tumawag sa (206) 400-7511.

የዚህን መረጃ ትርጉም ከፈለጉ፣ በዚህ ስልክ ቁጥር ይደውሉ፡ (206) 400-7511.

សវាកម្មបកប្រនិងការបកប្រភាសាមានតាមការស្នើសុំតាមរយៈ លខ : (២០៦) ៤០០-៧៥១១.


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.