SDOT Turns Off e-Park Signs
e-Park, the Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT’s) electronic parking guidance system, will be turned off as of July 1, 2020. The overhead dynamic signs and the signs at the entrances to e-Park garages showing the number of available parking spaces will go dark.
Funding for e-Park operations was eliminated through prior City Budget actions. SDOT unsuccessfully sought options to transfer the program to another entity to keep the signs up and running. The garages affected are located in Pioneer Square, the downtown Retail District, the Waterfront, and the Pike Place Market.
When you visit downtown, e-Park signs help you find parking faster. Follow the signs - they'll let you know how many spaces are available in garages throughout the Downtown Retail Core, Pike Place Market, Pioneer Square and Central Waterfront neighborhoods.
Real-time parking space availability is provided for the following parking garages in Downtown Seattle: |