Delridge Neighborhood Greenway, 26th Ave SW
Neighborhood Greenway Activation
Art Interruptions 2017
On view now – January 2, 2018
You are invited to explore the Delridge neighborhood and experience temporary artwork along the Delridge Neighborhood Greenway and Connector Trail. See map below for locations and more detail.
Art Interruptions, an annual temporary art program created by the Office of Arts & Culture in partnership with the Seattle Department of Transportation, will offer ephemeral moments of surprise and reflection in the Delridge Neighborhood. Seven temporary installations, on view through January 2, 2018, will inspire and enliven the route with an element of the unexpected.
Walking Tour
Saturday, October 7, 2017
10 AM - Noon
Meet at Cottage Grove Park at 10am to join the walking tour
Explore the West Seattle neighborhood by foot, experience Art Interruptions and meet the participating artists. Hosted by Feet First; visit for detailed updates.
This event is presented by:
The Delridge Neighborhood Greenway, constructed in 2013, connects the Delridge neighborhood to parks, Longfellow Creek and the West Seattle Bridge Trail via the 2015 Delridge Connector Trail. A raised crosswalk at SW Andover St was added at the entrance to the neighborhood greenway with the connector trail.
Since implementation as a neighborhood greenway 26th Ave SW seen lowered speeds and an increase in people walking and biking.
- 26% reduction in speeds along route.
- 50% reduction in number of vehicles traveling over 30 mph along route.
- Averaging 118 people biking per day, an increase of 32% after the route was constructed.
This popular neighborhood street connects to:
- Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail
- Delridge Playfields
- Cottage Grove Park
- Greg Davis Park
- Puget Blvd. Commons Park
The Delridge Connector Trail links the Delridge Neighborhood Greenway to the popular Alki Trail and downtown via the Spoakane St Bridge. A permanent bike counter located on the Spokane St bridge indicates that an average of 912 people bike over the bridge per day and in 2016 there were over 2,500 people biking on the most popular day.
Art Interruptions is funded by Seattle Department of Transportation 1% for Art funds. This year artwork will be on view at four parks along the neighborhood greenway in cooperation with the Seattle Parks & Recreation Greenways Initiative.