Central Seattle Neighborhood Greenways

Updated: July 26, 2024

What's Happening Now?

Project Update: Central Ridge Neighborhood Greenway and the Stevens Elementary Safe Route to School

As we focus this year's budget dollars to ensure we meet Levy to Move Seattle commitments, construction on a handful of Neighborhood Greenways projects has been paused until additional budget or grant funding becomes available.

Phase 2 of the Central Ridge Neighborhood Greenway and the Stevens Elementary Safe Route to School are still in the final design and planning phase. Improvements will occur at the following locations:

  • 18th Ave E from E Columbia St to E Highland Dr
  • 16th Ave E from E Republican St to E Prospect St
  • E Prospect St from 15th Ave to 18th Ave E
  • E Highland Dr from 18th Ave S to 20th Ave E

Project Refresh: Washington Middle School Connection

We recently completed new construction along the Washington Middle School Connection to update curb ramps at 21st Ave and E Alder St, and 21st Ave and E Terrace St. We also added speed humps and new signage along the Neighborhood Greenway.

Previous work updated curb ramps and marked crosswalks at E Yesler Way, E Jefferson St, and E Cherry St, and paved sections of 21st Ave S.

Collage showing recent updates along the Neighborhoood Greenway including new curb bulbs, speed humps, and wayfinding signage

Future Project Planning: Garfield High School to Leschi Elementary School Neighborhood Greenway Connection

We have also conducted design and planning for a future Garfield High School to Leschi Elementary School Neighborhood Greenway Connection and Safe Route to School.

Communication will continue through postcards and project flyers when needed. Still, the best way to stay informed is by subscribing to our Neighborhood Greenways email lists or keep checking this website to learn about the latest project updates and public engagement opportunities.

Central Seattle Neighborhoods Greenways Map

Central Seattle Neighborhood Greenways project area map

Click here to download the full-size map (pdf) of our growing Central Seattle Neighborhood Greenways network.

Projects Overview

Central Ridge Neighborhood Greenway

Our construction plan separated the project into 2 phases. Phase 1 constructed the southern part  from S Judkins Park to E Columbia St, and was completed in 2021.

Phase 2 construction was delayed while construction was finalized for the future RapidRide G line project on Madison St. Phase 2 will cross E Madison St at a new crossing signal that will be constructed with other improvements for the RapidRide G line project. Once this new signal is in place, the neighborhood greenway will provide a new connection for people walking and biking between E Columbia St and Volunteer Park.

Phase 1 Construction – Completed in 2021

The first phase of the neighborhood greenway connected people living and traveling in the southern end of the project area to Washington Middle School and other schools in the area and Swedish Hospital Cherry Hill.

We installed the following improvements in this area:

  • At the intersection of 20th Ave S and S Weller St:
    • New curb ramps on all corners
    • Painted crosswalks
  • At the intersection of 18th Ave S and S Jackson St:
    • New traffic signal
    • New curb ramps where needed
    • Painted crosswalks
  • At the intersection of 18th Ave and E Yesler Way
    • Repainting crosswalks
    • Bike boxes (behind crosswalks) with improved signal detection for people biking

On 18th Ave between E Cherry St and E Jefferson St, we coordinated with the adjacent hospital project to install crossing and traffic calming improvements.

What We Heard from Phase 1  

How the selected route incorporated feedback from the prior phase of outreach: 

  • In tandem with the S King St Neighborhood Greenway, we're extending the Central Ridge Neighborhood Greenway south to connect the Central Park Trail via 18th Ave S and S Weller St to Washington Middle School and Judkins Park. 
  • We heard that the new traffic signal to help people walking and biking cross Madison St at 18th Ave was important. We’re going to phase project construction so we get that signal built along with the future RapidRide G line project on Madison St. 
  • Overall, people gave us positive feedback about the streets we chose for the route. We are proceeding with the selected route as we continue our design process. 
  • In response to the crash history at 18th Ave S and S Jackson St, we're making changes so this intersection can be safer for all users. This will include making the intersection a right-in/right-out for 18th Ave S. 

Phase 2 Construction – Coming Soon!

The second phase of the neighborhood greenway will connect Phase 1 to Madison St, the Seattle World School, Meany Middle School, Capitol Hill business districts, and Volunteer Park. Crossing and signal improvements are planned for this section (see map above), and we’ll share more details regarding these improvements once these plans are finalized and we have a firmer construction schedule.

The following street improvements are expected to be part of the second phase of construction:

  • Speed humps/cushions to calm traffic   
  • Stop signs with stop bars on side streets entering the Neighborhood Greenway
  • Tree trimming (for sign visibility) and sidewalk smoothing. Tree pruning will be performed in support of the pavement repairs and is intended to protect the trees and equipment from possible damage during paving operations. All tree maintenance will be at the cost of the project.
  • Signs to clarify parking at all intersections   
  • Signs and markings for wayfinding  
  • Spot pavement and sidewalk repair 
  • Flashing beacons and curb ramps where E Aloha St intersects 16th Ave E and 18th Ave E  
  • All-way stop and curb ramps at 16th Ave E and E Prospect St 
  • Curb bulbs and curb ramps at 18th Ave E and E Thomas St 
  • Paint-and-post curb bulb at 15th Ave E and E Prospect St

Other Nearby/Previous Projects

What's a Neighborhood Greenway?

Neighborhood greenways are safer, calmer residential streets for you, your family, and your neighbors. We make people walking and biking the priority. Neighborhood greenways can include:

  • Easier crossings of busy streets with crosswalks, flashing beacons, or traffic signals
  • Speed humps to calm traffic
  • 20 mph speed limit signs
  • Stop signs for side streets crossing the neighborhood greenway
  • Signs and pavement markings to help people find their way


These projects have been funded by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015, and Safe Routes to School funding.


The Central Ridge Neighborhood Greenway project came from city planning efforts and community requests. The Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) calls for neighborhood greenways primarily located on 19th Ave and 20th Ave in the south end and 16th Ave E in the north end. 

We also teamed up with our Safe Routes to School colleagues to deliver an east-west segment of the neighborhood greenway on Capitol Hill. The connection, made up of walk- and bike-friendly streets, linked Lowell Elementary School to Meany Middle School and was completed in 2019 and 2020. 

Listening to the Community

In early 2017, hundreds of people gave initial feedback on how the neighborhood greenway should be designed via an online survey, public events, and conversations with the project team. We heard requests for a neighborhood greenway with:

  • Connections to get to the Rainier Valley, Judkins Park, Swedish Cherry Hill, Volunteer Park, and 15th Ave E businesses
  • A new walk and bike crossing at E Madison St and 18th Ave
  • Direct bike route with fewer hills
  • Safer crossings at busy intersections

You can view data and see the routes we studied in the first phase of outreach on our display boards.

We then used this community feedback, existing transportation plans, and traffic data to develop a “most promising route” for the Central Ridge Neighborhood Greenway. In summer 2017, we returned to community members with a proposed most promising route and asked people to share their thoughts through an online survey. We received general support for this route, with most survey respondents saying that:

  • Safety enhancements made through the most promising route will improve safety for everyone and make it more attractive for people walking and biking
  • The most promising route connects people to Swedish Cherry Hill, Volunteer Park, and 15th Ave E businesses (as requested by the community)
  • The most promising route includes slower speeds on residential streets, safer crossings as busy intersections, and fewer hills to climb (as requested by the community)


Spring 2017: Share route options and get feedback
Summer 2017: Share most promising route and get feedback
April 2018: Share selected route
2021: Completed Phase 1 of the neighborhood greenway
As soon as RapidRide G line construction is completed: Build phase 2 of the neighborhood greenway

Materials Library


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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