Truck Streets

Truck Streets

The Seattle Comprehensive Plan calls for the designation of a network of Major Truck Streets to serve as primary routes for the movement of goods and services. The specific network of Major Truck Streets is defined in Seattle's Transportation Strategic Plan (TSP) and is illustrated on the Major Truck Streets network map. A Major Truck Street is a street classification for an arterial street that accommodates significant freight movement through the City, and to and from major freight traffic generators. Some state routes and highways are also designated as Major Truck Streets on the network map. SDOT uses the designation as an important criterion for street design, traffic management decisions, and pavement design and repair.

Truck Routes

The TSP also contains a street classification map with three classifications of arterials and classifications for local streets. See the TSP to obtain more detail on arterial street definitions and locations. All arterials are considered to be truck routes, which are streets where trucks are allowed and encouraged to travel.

View the Major Truck Streets Map

View the Roadway Classification Map

SDOT and the Port of Seattle have identified key existing ground transportation routes that provide connections to Port facilities. Two maps are available. The Seaport Highway Connectors map identifies existing routes that provide safe, reliable, efficient and direct access between a Port marine facility and the state highway or interstate system. The Seaport Intermodal Connectors map identifies existing routes that provide safe, reliable, efficient and direct access between Port terminals and the primary railroad intermodal facilities located in Seattle.

These routes have a number of common characteristics: they are on designated arterial streets; have a high frequency of use by freight; provide two-way travel and direct access between Port facilities and the regional highway system; and provide road access to marine facilities. Protecting the capacity and functionality of these facilities for truck traffic is critical to the Port of Seattle's economic functions.

View the Seaport Highway Connectors Map

View the Seaport Intermodal Connectors Map

Freight Data

Seattle Major Truck Streets (MTS) (2007)
Street TypeCenterline Miles% of MTS
Major Truck Streets (MTS) 142  
City Arterials 490 29%
All City Streets 1,176 12%
  • Commercial Vehicle Load Zones – Estimated Spaces - 460
  • Truck Load Zones - Estimated Spaces – 430 to 440


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.