Willow Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project
Updated: July 16, 2024
What's Happening Now?
Construction of a larger, replacement culvert, new cul-de-sac, and access driveway is currently underway. We will also re-route and daylight Willow Creek utilizing the existing ravine and channel as much as possible.
We will work closely with those affected to accommodate their needs. However, property owners in the area should be prepared for these extraordinary circumstances:
- Parking restrictions will be in place to make room for the work zone.
- Water main installation will temporarily impact water service to two houses and a fire hydrant.
Pictures taken in July 2024 showing construction equipment and new routing for the creek
Project Background
In summer of 2021, The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) completed construction of the Northgate Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge over I-5 in the Northgate neighborhood of North Seattle. The Bridge runs over and through the North Watercourse, which is a tributary to the South Branch of Thornton Creek. The Bridge project has impacted the North Watercourse by decreasing habitat and retaining the barrier to fish passage.
Upon completion of this project, we chose to mitigate for these impacts off-site at Willow Creek, which is located at NE 100th Street near Lake City Way. The proposed changes consist of re-routing the creek and removing two culverts, one of which is currently a partial blockage to fish passage.
Project Maps
Pictured: Existing Conditions at NE 100th St
Pictured: The changes proposed to Willow Creek and the west end of NE 100th St
Project Library
- Construction Notice (April 2024)
- SEPA DNS (April 2023)
- SEPA Environmental Checklist (April 2023)
- Notice of Section 4(f) de minimis Finding (April 2023)
- 4(f) Mailer (April 2023)
- Construction Notice (November 2021)