Green Lake Outer Loop

Updated: January, 2025

The Green Lake Outer Loop is done, and we see neighbors walking, running, and biking on it.  

As part of the project, we planned to install two new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons on Winona Ave N and N 77th and another one N 76th. Our crews installed the N 77th crossing last year, and we are happy to share that we plan to install the N 76th Street crossing on Winona this spring.  

In response to the feedback requesting more improved crossings, here are the benefits: 

  • This crossing has curb ramps in place. Once built out fully with a pedestrian-activated crossing signal and pedestrian refuge island, it will provide safer crossing options along Winona Ave N and address some speeding along the street.
  • This location is roughly halfway between two other marked crosswalks.It will provide more options from Green Lake Park to Daniel Bagley Elementary that avoid parking lots, alleyways, driveways, and utility poles located on Stone Ave N. It could be more challenging to add a crossing there.
  • It has better crossing alignment at the intersection corners, improving pedestrian sight lines. 

The project removes about 7 on-street parking spaces to make room for the median. The median is anticipated to calm the speeds of people driving as it appears to narrow the street in this location. 

Thank you!

Thank you so much for your patience, understanding, and collaboration as we completed these necessary roadway improvements.

 For past project updates, please check our email update archive, and project materials  for additional background. As the major work on our project is now complete, our project email and voicemail line will no longer be in service.

 The best way to contact us is through SDOT's general information line:

  • Call 206-684-ROAD (7623)
  • Email

Project Background

Green Lake is one of Seattle's most beloved regional parks. Its expanse of water and green space in the center of a dense urban neighborhood draws thousands of people daily from all over the region.  

Based on community feedback, Vision Zero safety goals, and desire to provide more travel options, we're building off two recently completed projects around Green Lake (Green Lake and Wallingford Multimodal Paving Project and a biking path on W Green Lake Way N) to create more travel options for people to safely walk, run, and bike around the lake and connect our neighborhoods.   

The Green Lake Outer Loop is a connected outer path around Green Lake Park. This outer loop provides more travel options for people walking, running, biking, and create better connections to surrounding neighborhoods. 

As a part of this effort, we also worked with Seattle Parks and Recreation to plan for better biking, walking, and rolling alternatives to the inner park loop. 

To be consistent with ADA standards, Green Lake Outer Loop is a Bike Facility and will be marked with our standard bike facility signs and markings. The Green Lake Outer Loop will be considered a pathway that bikes, scooters, roller blades, and other modes of active transportation will be allowed to use.

 Project Map

Project Map

Context Map

Context Map

Previous Updates

We worked in coordination with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Seattle Parks and Recreation, and adjacent stakeholders and are excited to share our updated design with community. These changes were made based on input we heard from our online open houses, survey, community meetings and more. You can view the updated plans here.

Key updates based on your feedback:

  • Updated design at the N 63rd St merge onto Aurora Ave N: We have updated the design to maximize the sight lines southward down Aurora Ave N by moving the stop sign farther north, maintaining more space to turn, and are working on a speed limit reduction to 30 MPH on Aurora Ave from Whitman to Winona in coordination with WSDOT.
  • Increased pedestrian access and traffic calming in the Winona Triangle neighborhood: We are proposing parking restrictions with signs and markings, which help keep crossings and ramps open for pedestrian access, more bike markings to connect across Winona with upgraded ramps, and a double flashing beacon.
  • Other updates throughout the project area include:
    • Adjustments to driveway posts and markings to ensure neighbor access.
    • Adjusted sign placement and increased wayfinding signs to help vehicles access the park using the arterial streets.
    • Adjusting parking lane widths to maximize space where feasible.
    • Reconfiguration of intersection at Winona/77th/West Green Lake Drive N to better delineate bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicle movements.
    • Clearer connections to existing bike lanes at either end of the project area.
  • Additional pedestrian crossing on Winona Ave N: We are currently working on incorporating an additional crossing as part of the construction. However, depending on material availability, it is likely to be phased in stages and completed in 2023.

Outer Loop Designs

Aurora Ave N & W Green Lake Way N

Aurora Ave N & W Green Lake Way N

W Green Lake Way N & N 63rd St

W Green Lake Way N & N 63rd St

Aurora Ave N & W Green Lake Dr N

Aurora Ave N & W Green Lake Dr N

Aurora Ave N & Keen Way N

Aurora Ave N & Keen Way N

Winona Ave N & N 77th St

Winona Ave N & N 77th St

Winona Ave N & N 77th St & W Green Lake Dr N

Winona Ave N & N 77th St & W Green Lake Dr N

Designs and Renderings

Segment 1: Aurora Ave N

New path between N 63rd St and W Green Lake Dr N along the on-ramp and Aurora Ave N. 

Segment 1 Aurora Ave N Outer Loop path rendering

Image above: Segment 1 Aurora Ave N Outer Loop path rendering

Segment 2: W Green Lake Dr N

Segment 2 W Green Lake Dr N Outer Loop path rendering

Image above: Segment 2 W Green Lake Dr N Outer Loop path rendering

W Green Lake Dr N (looking north) street layout graphic

Image above: W Green Lake Dr N (looking north) street layout graphic


Fall 2021: Outreach and community engagement for Aurora and W Green Lake Dr N segments 

November 2021: Online Open House 

November 10 - Decmber 6 Green Lake Outer Loop Survey

Winter 2022: Collect traffic data, conduct traffic analysis, continue engagement, including participating in existing community group meetings; consider funding sources

Winter/Spring 2022: Aurora Ave N Corridor Design Study Launches

Spring 2022: Review community engagement feedback and traffic analysis results, work with WSDOT, draft a design

Early/spring 2022: Additional community engagement to share latest proposed designs and request more community feedback. (Feb. 22 online open house completed; we will continue to share project updates as new information becomes available)  

Summer/Fall 2022: Construction could begin as early as mid-2022 


Funding for the Green Lake Outer Loop project came from the Levy to Move Seattle and our Vision Zero Program, which prioritized this project due to its safety benefits and potential to address recent collisions that have occurred in this area. As we continue to re-envision Aurora Ave N, the completion of the Green Lake Outer Loop project is an exciting achievement of transforming street area into a people-focused space that connects neighborhoods and provides more transportation options for the community.



Green Lake Outer Loop FAQ – February 2022

February 22 Online Open House Materials

November - December 2021 Survey

SDOT Blog post

November 9 Online Open House Materials

November 9 Online Open House Summary

Listserv Archive

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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