Ballard Multimodal Corridor

Updated: December 16, 2021

The Ballard Multimodal Corridor project included a variety of transportation investments and was completed in 2020. Completed work included:

  • Full-depth paving replacement on NW Market St and NW Locks Place 
  • Drainage and utility improvements 
  • Metro overhead trolley wire and pole replacement   
  • Transit stop improvements 
  • Sidewalk repair and replacement   
  • Signal improvements 
  • New bike lane on 24th Ave NW 
  • Road rechannelization 

The orange line on the map below is the completed Ballard Multimodal Corridor project area.   

Phase 1 and 2 map

Originally, the Ballard Multimodal Corridor project also included the Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link, but that work was put on hold due to ongoing legal challenges. Information on that project, and other nearby projects are included below: 


Crews completed roadway surface, sidewalk, signal and transit improvements on the Market phase of the corridor (between the Ballard Locks and 24th Ave NW) in fall of 2020. Work on the Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link Project along Shilshole and 45th is scheduled to begin in 2023. If you'd like to learn more about the design process for both projects, visit our project library below. You can view revised 100% design documents, event summaries, and the full Design Phase Outreach Summary.  

Phase 1 and 2 map

Transit upgrades on NW Market St as part of previously completed work on the Ballard Multimodal Corridor Project. 

Transportation investments included in the Ballard Multimodal Corridor Project were developed in consultation with the community and evolved from initial conversations about the Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link Project and existing City and County programs. Improvements and coordination opportunities identified by the project team, trail users, truck drivers, the industrial community, and nearby neighbors were synthesized to create a complete, multimodal corridor along the Ship Canal between the Ballard Locks and 11th Ave NW. The Ballard Multimodal Corridor project also incorporated other planned investments along the corridor to reduce costs and minimize overall disruption to residents and businesses. This included new full-depth paving (originally planned to be delivered through SDOT's Arterial Asphalt and Concrete program) and new trolley and transit improvements provided in partnership with King County Metro. 

Design of the Ballard Multimodal Corridor improvements recognized the importance of Ballard's manufacturing and industrial community and maintained truck and freight access to the industrial and water-dependent businesses adjacent to the corridor. 

Project Cost

The Ballard Multimodal Corridor budget was approximately $19M and was funded by the Levy to Move Seattle, King County Metro, Seattle Public Utilities, and Seattle City Light. This cost included design and construction of new full-depth roadway paving, new overhead trolley infrastructure and transit improvements, street lighting, drainage infrastructure, signal improvements, pedestrian improvements, and landscaping. 

Ballard Multimodal Corridor Construction Updates

Public Drop-in Session (May 7,2019)

Ballard Multimodal Corridor Design Phase Documents


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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