Applicant Guides

Applicant Guides are resources for permit applicants that provide detailed information related to permitting requirements and processes. Applicant Guides should not be used as a substitute for the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) or Director's Rules. The applicant is responsible for complying with all SMC and rule requirements, whether or not it is described in an Applicant Guide. Visit our Codes, Rules & Tools page for reference links. You can access the SMC online

Street Use Applicant Guides

AG 1010: Holiday Construction Moratorium

We do not allow construction work during winter holidays on streets or sidewalks in the Downtown Retail Core, Pioneer [...]

AG 1011: Sidewalk Maintenance and Repair Guide

If you own property in Seattle, you're responsible for keeping nearby sidewalks, roadway shoulders, and alleys safe and [...]

AG 1050: Regional Voluntary Bioretention in the Right-of-Way Projects

Learn more about regional bioretention in the right-of-way!

AG 1075: Shoreline Street End

Learn how to apply for a Shoreline Street End

AG 1076: Council Term Skybridge Permit

Here is an overview of the Council Term Skybridge Permit Process

AG 1077: Council Term Permit

Here is an overview of the Council Term Permit Process

AG 1080: Neighborhood Pole Banners

Learn how to apply for a Neighborhood Pole Banner

AG 1081: Intersection Painting

Learn how to showcase artwork from artists in your neighborhood ROW!

AG 1083: Signal Box Artwork

Learn how to decorate your neighborhood signal boxes with artwork

AG 1084: Street Furniture

Learn how to set up seating and decor in public places

AG 1085: Sidewalk Tables and Chairs

Learn how to set out tables and chairs adjacent to their business or building.

AG 1086: Long-Term Storage Permit

Learn how to set up storage for materials in the ROW

AG 1087: Parklets

Learn how to set up a parklet in in your on-street parking spot(s)

AG 1088: Private Utility Infrastructure

Learn how to set up private utility infrastructure in the right-of-way

AG 1089A: Vending in the Authorized Stadium and Event Center Area

Learn how to vend from a cart, vehicle, or display table and/or tent in an authorized Stadium Event Vending area

AG 1089B: Vending from a Vehicle in a Curbspace

Learn about how you can vend from a vehicle in areas of curbspace.

AG 1089C: Vending on a Public Sidewalk or Plaza

Learn about how to vend from a cart or from a vehicle on a Sidewalk or Plaza

AG 1089D: Vending from a Traveling Cart or Vehicle Along an Approved Route

Learn how to apply for a permit that allows you to sell goods along a route

AG 1090: Private Structures and Uses

Learn how to set up private structures in the right-of-way

AG 1091A: Retail Merchandise Displays in the Frontage Zone

Learn how to set up merchandise displays in the frontage zone

AG 1091B: Retail Merchandise Displays in the Furniture Zone

Learn how to set up merchandise displays in the furniture zone

AG 1092: Areaways

Learn how to activate the space below street level

AG 1093: Outdoor Dining

Learn how to install and operate dining options in the right-of-way

AG 1094: Street and Sidewalk Activities

Here is an overview of how to get a Street and Sidewalk Activities permit!

AG 1095: Underground Storage Tank (UST)

Long term, annually renewable permit for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) located in the public right-of-way

AG 2000: Street Improvement Permits

This guide provides detailed information about how to get a Street Improvement Permit.

AG 2001: SIP Interdepartmental Permit Coordination Process

This guide provides steps for the SIP interdepartmental coordination permit process

AG 2002: SIP Design Guidance Process

This guide provides detailed information about the SIP Design Guidance Process

AG 2003: Survey and Basemap

Learn how to employ the combined Survey and Basemap Content


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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