Resolve a Permit Disagreement

What Is It?

Our process for resolving a dispute about our permit process and about policy or technical code issues will help reduce delays in issuing your permit. We emphasize a quick resolution when you disagree with how we are applying the code to your project, or how we are administering your project.

Resolve SDCI Permit Disagreement

You should follow the steps below if you disagree with how our staff is solving a process problem or how a policy or technical issue affects your project.

Use the list below to find the appropriate supervisor to help resolve your dispute. We prefer email and our responses are quicker than if you leave us a phone message.

The supervisor will respond within 24 hours. The supervisor will talk with you about your disagreement, review the issue with you and the assigned staff, and then provide a verbal answer. We try to provide an answer within a day after we respond to your initial request for help.

MUP Application Appointments & Permit Processing

Construction Permit Supervisors
Construction Application Appointments & Permit Processing
Maxwell Branham (interim) (206) 256-5294
Sajada McCoy (206) 615-0866
Clara Pellinger (206) 684-8873
Scheduling Construction Pre-Submittal Conference Appointments
Qiana Norwood (206) 615-0719
Zoning Review Production & Technical Decisions
Naomi Mason (206) 684-0711
Scott Ringgold (206) 233-5132
Maria Cruz (206) 615-1266
Tina Capestany (206) 233-2170
Addressing/Development Site Review
Shimika Dowlen (206) 684-0961
Myra Stallworth (206) 684-4192
Site Development (Drainage, Erosion Control, Side Sewers)
Ede Courtenay (206) 733-7860
Geotechnical Review
Susan Chang (206) 386-9785
Energy / Mechanical Review
Michael Bocklund (206) 733-9994
Ordinance / Structural Review
Jamie Anderson (206) 615-0715
Ming Alwin (206) 233-5016
Amy Barnett (206) 684-3965
Mariko Blessing (206) 256-5305
Brian McWatters (206)-684-0718
Kevin Solberg  (206) 684-0682
Master Use Permit Supervisors
Brandon Cummings (206) 684-0251
Bruce Rips (206) 615-1392
Jerry Suder (206) 386-4069
Tami Garrett (206) 233-7182
MUP Application Appointments & Permit Processing
Myra Stallworth (206) 684-4192
Scheduling Land Use, EDG,  and SDR, Pre-Submittal Conference Appointments
Qiana Norwood (206) 615-0719
Discretionary Decisions on MUP applications, except unit lot short plats, and lot boundary adjustments
Brandon Cummings (206) 684-0251
Bruce Rips (206) 615-1392
Jerry Suder (206) 386-4069
Tami Garrett (206) 233-7182
Design Review
Shelley Bolser (206) 733-9097
Zoning Production Review & Technical Decisions, including unit lot short plats and lot boundary adjustments
Tina Capestany (206) 233-2170
Maria Cruz (206) 615-1266
Naomi Mason (206) 684-0711
Scott Ringgold (206) 233-5132
Addressing/Development Site Review
Shimika Dowlen (206) 684-0961
Myra Stallworth (206) 684-4192

If you still disagree with our decision, you can request a review of the issue by writing to the appropriate manager. Please email the manager, or send your request to

Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections
700 5th Ave., Suite 2000
P.O. Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019

Manager Contacts
Land Use Reviews on Master Use & Building Permits
Stephanie Haines, Manager (206) 684-5014
Zoning Reviews on Master Use, Building, & Platting Permits
Bradley Wilburn, Policy & Technical Manager (206) 615-0508
Building Code Technical Decision-Making
Richard Pellinger (206) 615-0591
Structural Engineering Technical Decision-Making
Nathalie Boeholt (206) 727-3589
Ordinance & Structural Review
Andrew Lunde, Engineering Services Manager (206) 733-9267
Energy/Mechanical, Drainage & Geotechnical Review
Steve Burns, Engineering Services Manager (206) 684-7736
Construction Inspections
Pat Beaulieu, Manager (206) 601-4540
Construction Codes Technical & Policy Issues
Ardel Jala, Building Official (206) 684-0573
Kai Ki Mow, Principal Engineer (206) 233-5163
Zoning and Land Use Technical & Policy Code Issues
Megan Neuman, Policy & Technical Manager (206) 684-3101

If you are still not satisfied after talking to the supervisor and the manager, please contact:

Darlene Edwards, Land Use & Engineering Services Director
(206) 684-5606

Andy Higgins, Customer Success Director
(206) 615-0568

Samuel Steele, Inspection Services Director
(206) 684-8428

Resolve an Interdepartmental Permit Disagreement

Use the steps below to resolve a permit disagreement if multiple City regulations conflict for your project, or if one City department disagrees how to apply a development regulation.

The first step to resolving a interdepartmental disagreement is to contact the staff assigned to your project. Send an email to all staff and supervisors explaining the disagreement and ask that the City department staff discuss the conflict. You can also request a meeting with staff and supervisors to talk about the problem in person. After reviewing the circumstance of your disagreement, the supervisor will provide an answer. You will usually hear from the supervisor within 3 to 5 business days.

If your permit dispute is not resolved at the staff and supervisor level, you may request a review of the conflict by writing to the appropriate City managers. You should contact all management involved in your disagreement at the same time because conflicts that involve more than one department are often complicated by competing City policies or priorities. For best result, send your request by email and include:

  • The development site address
  • City permit numbers for any work that is disputed
  • Names of City staff you've been working with to resolve the conflict
  • Any unique circumstances you believe should influence the decision outcome
  • Specific regulations, with code citations, that are in dispute

City management will discuss the problem with you and then decide who will be the lead contact for your dispute. You will get a written response by the lead City manager, usually within 2 weeks of your request. If we need additional time for research, the lead manager will let you know within a week of your request.

City Management Contacts
Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections
Tonya Capps, Customer Success Program Manager (206) 233-3846
Bradley Wilburn, Land Use Manager (206) 615-0508
Andy Lunde, Construction Resource & Production Manager (206) 733-9267
Patrick Beaulieu, Construction Inspections Manager (206) 684-8446
Seattle Public Utilities
Utility Main Extension Disputes Contact List
(206) 684-3333
Seattle City Light
Michael Danielsen, Sr. Manager | Engineering Customer Systems (206) 684-3074
Seattle Department of Transportation
Kristine Beaton, Operations Manager
Street Use Major Permits (SIP and Utility)
(206) 386-1092
Kristine Beaton, Permit Services Manager
Street Use Right-of-Way Management Permits
(206) 386-1092
Alyse Nelson, Public Space Manager
Street Use Public Space Management Permits
(206) 684-5268
Mike Boonsripisal, Manager, Transportation Operations Engineering and Design Traffic Management Systems and Operations (206) 684-3107
Mike Estey, Parking Program Manager
Parking and Curb Space Management
(206) 684-8132
Joe Markovich, Urban Forestry Manager
Urban Forestry
(206) 684-4134

If you still disagree with our decision, please contact our department directors.

City Department Directors
Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections
Nathan Torgelson, Department Director (206) 684-0343
Seattle Department of Transportation
Greg Spotts, Department Director (206) 684-7279
Liz Sheldon, Division Director Street Use (206) 684-7945
Seattle Public Utilities
Christopher Courtney, Interim Development Services Office Manager (206) 684-5810
Jeff Bingaman, Development Services Office Director (206) 684-5901
Seattle City Light
Marcus Jackson, Director Customer Operations (206) 604-2261
Tamara Jenkins, Director Project Delivery (206) 684-7714

Construction and Inspections

Nathan Torgelson, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 2000, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA, 98124-4019
Phone: (206) 684-8600
Phone Alt: Violation Complaint Line: (206) 615-0808
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SDCI issues land use, construction, and trade permits, conducts construction and housing-related inspections, ensures compliance with our codes, and regulates rental rules. SDCI is committed to an antiracist workplace and to addressing racism through our work in the community.