Carkeek Park Environmental Learning Center

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Carkeek Park


  • Playground


Historic 186-acre Carkeek Park offers spectacular views of Puget Sound. Over six miles of trails wind through stream, beach and forest habitat, providing opportunities for natural exploration and recreation. Playground and picnic tables provide a perfect location for gatherings.

The award-winning Nancy Malmgren Environmental Learning Center is the perfect location for retreats, community events, evening classes, ceremonies, receptions, memorials, birthday parties and family gatherings. The environmental learning center is a showcase for sustainable building practices. One of the City of Seattle's LEED Gold Standard buildings, the center is a model for resource efficiency and protection of human health and the environment.

Sustainable building features include:

  • rooftop rainwater harvest
  • natural ventilation,
  • solar electric (photovoltaic) panels,
  • salmon-friendly native species landscaping,
  • environmentally-friendly paints/coatings, adhesives, sealants, wood composites and carpeting, recycled and salvaged products, and the use of regional materials.

Using these materials supports our regional economy and reduces the energy, waste, and pollution associated with transportation.

Site Amenities

The room is over 800 square feet. Large doors at the end of the room open onto a small courtyard for increased ventilation and outdoor access. A sink, large counter spaces, refrigerator and a microwave are available; you are welcome to have catered events. Renters are welcome to use the tables, chairs, and coffee maker. Dry erase boards and easels are available for presentations. We provide you with tables and chairs; you are responsible for room set-up and clean-up.

Rental Rules & Tips

Have a great event with us! Learn what permits you need to serve alcohol at your event, how we take payment, best practices, and more. Read more on our Rental tips and rules page.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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