Outdoor Pickleball Planning

Updated: August 20, 2024

Summer 2024

Please join us on September 5th from 6 - 7:30 p.m. at Magnuson Community Center to meet the design team and view design concepts for dedicated pickleball courts. 

The project site is at the former Children’s Hospital park-and-pool lot located to the north of NE 65th Street. The budget for this project allows for the construction of 8-10 courts with lighting by the end of 2026. A park master plan will be amended to allow for at least 16-18 courts with an ultimate buildout of 24 lighted courts, however, no SPR funding is allocated at this time for additional courts, so it is anticipated that grants and/or donations will be needed.

The 2021-2022 Outdoor Pickleball Study evaluated SPR sites for the potential to support dedicated pickleball courts. Based on established selection criteria, the following five locations were identified for further analysis: 

  • North: Bitter Lake Reservoir Lid Open Space; Warren G. Magnuson Park
  • South: Genesee Park; Georgetown Playfield; Hiawatha Playfield

SPR has worked with the consultant team to scope the technical and community engagement work necessary to design and build two facilities by the end of Seattle Park District Cycle 2. After a more detailed review of the sites along with input from an advisory committee composed of tennis and pickleball advocates, SPR determined to design a facility at Warren G. Magnuson Park and at Georgetown Playfield.



The 2021-2022 Outdoor Pickleball Study may be downloaded via this link.

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Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
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