Parks Legacy Plan

What was the Parks Legacy Plan?
In 2013, Seattle Parks and Recreation embarked on a planning process to develop a strategic direction for the future. Questions to be addressed included: 

  • Are our resources deployed in the most effective manner?
  • What is the public view of our park system?
  • What are the basic services Parks provides?

The first phase of the plan included the development of shared Vision, Mission and Values statements. The second phase of the plan is a programmatic review, telling the story of Parks and Recreation including what we do, who we serve, and how we are funded.

Parks performed an analysis of national, regional and local recreation trends and conducted a citywide survey that gathered information on how our park system is used, frequency of use and park user's concerns. Phase three was a look to the future that provided a framework for a sustainable parks and recreation system. Download the final report for the complete results of the Legacy Plan development.

Parks Legacy Plan Citizens’ Advisory Committee
The Legacy Plan Citizens’ Advisory Committee, building on the Legacy Plan, worked diligently to create a funding package that addresses the park and recreation needs of all people in Seattle. The Advisory Committee looked at different funding options, including the potential use of a metropolitan parks district or property tax levy and examined how we allocate these funds and sought a balance among keeping facilities open, maintenance, and acquisition of new land and development of new facilities.

The Committee's made recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on a parks funding ballot measure to go the public for a vote in August 2014. Download the  Committee Recommendations report.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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