Community Voices

[The Office of Economic Development (OED)] helped us source funding that enabled us to open this space. — Kristi Brown, Chef & Owner, Communion Restaurant & Bar

There were a lot of things I didn’t know as a new business. The Accounting and Business Consulting Program helped me grow as a businessperson. Without it, I don’t think this would happen. — Paul Nguyen, Co-Owner, Hyson Boba
Featured Resources
Seattle's Economic Landscape
$1.4M in federal funds distributed to small businesses for repairs
Our Storefront Repair Fund has helped 700 local businesses recover from economic impacts caused by damage to their storefronts.
$6.9M distributed to help build BIPOC community wealth
Our Capital Access Program has supported 295 qualifying Seattle businesses by paying down part of their Flex Fund loan principal.
$33.6B in Maritime, Manufacturing, and Logistics
Over $33 billion in annual revenue in the maritime, manufacturing, and logistics industry supported 116,200 jobs and generated $10.7 billion in wages.
11th largest construction market in U.S.
The number of available jobs in Seattle's construction industry is above national average (1,220 monthly postings) for an area this size.