Collections Information
If you fail to pay or respond to a ticket, it will be referred to one of the court's contract collection agencies. Once a ticket is referred to collections, additional fees will apply and all contact regarding the ticket, including payment and disputes, will need to be handled through the collection agency.
Pay in Person
A collection agency representative is stationed at Window 7 in the lobby of Seattle Municipal Court, 600 Fifth Ave in downtown Seattle, Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm. The onsite representative can take payments and set up payment plans for both Harris & Harris and Evergreen Professional Recoveries.
If your last name starts with A through O: Harris & Harris
Pay by Phone
Precollection: 1 (866) 645-4480
Collections: 1 (855) 853-2590
Hours: Mon-Fri, 6:00 am - 4:00 pm Pacific; Sat, 6:00 am - 10:00 am Pacific
Pay By Mail
CHICAGO, IL 60604-4135
If your last name starts with P through Z: Evergreen Professional Recoveries
Pay by Phone:
Collections: 1 (800) 241-1305, ext 2
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific
Pay By Mail
12100 NE 195TH STREET, STE 125
BOTHELL, WA 98011-5777
Ticket Debt Reduction Hearings
Seattle Municipal Court offers hearings for low-income people who cannot afford to pay their court debt from Seattle infraction ticket fines and fees.
The hearing is an opportunity for you to explain your situation to a Magistrate and ask for fines to be reduced and removed from collections. Learn more and sign up for a Ticket Debt Reduction Hearing.