Understanding Council's Budget Amendments (2022)
Notice: This data is for the 2022 budget process
A version of this page will be updated in late October - early November 2023 after budget amendments are released. View the updated page here.
This interactive tool is meant to make the Council's budget amendments more transparent, engaging, and accessible. There are three different sets of amendments below:
- Amendments to the balancing package, to be discussed on November 21, 2022. There are 195 amendments from all nine councilmembers as well as the Budget Committee itself. This is the data displayed by default. While the meeting is happening on November 21, amendment actions will be updated throughout the day - things like votes, flags that amendments have been pulled for individual consideration, etc. The data will automatically refresh every few minutes, and will reset any filters you've applied. Please note that all amendment actions on this page, like vote tallies, are for informational purposes only, are not an official record, may be incomplete, and are subject to change. You can hover over a vote count for more information about how Councilmembers voted.
- The balancing package from Budget Chair Teresa Mosqueda, which was discussed on November 14, 2022.
- The 100 original budget amendments, which were proposed by some combination of all nine Councilmembers. They were discussed by the Seattle City Council in the Budget Committee between October 25 - 27, 2022.
For each amendment, you can see which department it pertains to, a short summary of what it does, the Councilmembers who originally sponsored it, and a link to read a policy memo about each amendment. There are some unique bits of data for the two sets of data. For the amendments to the balancing package, you see the voting group - or how voting will be organized . For the balancing package, you can see which budget priority the amendment pertains to. For each of the 100 original amendments you can see a link to watch the committee discussion of that particular legislation.
To learn more about the Council's budget process, visit this interactive guide.
Using This Tool
You can switch between the sets of amendments - amendments to the balancing package, the balancing package, or the 100 original amendments - by clicking on the large buttons below
You can filter amendments by Councilmember, department - or data specific to that group of amendments like voting outcomes, budget priority or if an amendment has been flagged for individual consideration. When clicking on a Councilmember's photo below, you'll see their primary amendments. You may also filter by departments using a dropdown.
Please note that you can only use one filter at a time.