Council's Balancing Package


The Council puts together its version of the City budget after receiving a proposal from the Mayor in late September. Each Councilmember offers amendments, and the budget chair - Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda - puts together a draft budget, or balancing package, that reflects the Council's shared values and priorities. The balancing package may then changed by the Council as a whole and later adopted. You can find more detailed information about the budget process here.

Interactive Budget Tool

The tool below allows you to view the amendments that comprise the draft Council budget. You can filter the the amendments to view them by sponsor / Councilmember or voting groups.

Interactive Budget Tool

City Council

Address: 600 Fourth Ave. 2nd Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34025, Seattle, WA , 98124-4025
Phone: (206) 684-8888
Phone Alt: Listen Line: (206) 684-8566
Fax: (206) 684-8587
Meet the Council

The Seattle City Council establishes City policy through enactment of ordinances (laws) and adoption of resolutions. The City Council also approves and adopts the City's budget. The nine Council members and their legislative assistants are part of the City of Seattle Legislative Department.