Select Committee on the Comprehensive Plan
Committee Members
- Chair: Joy Hollingsworth
- Vice Chair: Dan Strauss
- Member: Robert Kettle
- Member: Cathy Moore
- Member: Sara Nelson
- Member: Alexis Mercedes Rinck
- Member: Maritza Rivera
- Member: Rob Saka
Committee Scope
The Select Committee will consider the Executive's proposal for the Major Update to the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a 20-year vision and roadmap for Seattle’s future. The plan guides City decisions on where to build new jobs and houses, how to improve our transportation system, and where to make capital investments such as utilities, sidewalks, and libraries. The Comprehensive Plan is the framework for most of Seattle’s big-picture decisions on how to grow while preserving and improving our neighborhoods. The pieces of legislation that will be voted on are the following:
- Adoption of the One Seattle Plan
- Neighborhood Residential Zoning Update and Changes to Meet 2025 State Requirements
- 130th St and 145th St Station Area Rezone
- Rezones to Neighborhood Centers, Center Expansions, and Frequent Transit Routes (in 2026)
Read more about the Comprehensive Plan, committee meeting dates, and how you can get involved.
The quorum for the Select Committee on the Comprehensive Plan is five members.