Mayors, 1948-present

A new Freeholders Charter in 1946 changed the term of the Mayor to four years. Washington State laws of 1963 changed City elections from the spring to the fall beginning in 1967. Elections were to be held in odd-numbered years with terms of office beginning January 1 of the following even-numbered years. Because of the 1963 state law, the term of the 1964 mayoral race winner was extended to December 31, 1969.

William F. Devin
Fourth Term Began 6/1/1948
Previously elected under old charter.
J.D. (Dorm) Braman
Term Began 4/6/1964
Braman resigned March 23, 1969, to
become Assistant Secretary of Urban
Systems and Environment at the U.S.
Dept. of Transportation.
Charles Royer
First Term Began 1/1/1978
Second Term Began 1/1/1982
Third Term Began 1/1/1986
Greg Nickels
First Term Began 1/1/2002
Second Term Began 1/1/2006
Bruce Harrell
Bruce Harrell
As Council President, was
automatically appointed
Mayor after Murray resigned.
Bruce Harrell
Bruce Harrell
Term Began 1/1/2022
Allan Pomeroy
Term Began 6/1/1952
Floyd C. Miller
Term Began 3/24/1969
Miller was appointed interim
Mayor until a new Mayor
could be elected at the
November 1969 general election.
Norman B. Rice
First Term Began 1/1/1990
Second Term Began 1/1/1994
Mike McGinn
Mike McGinn
Term Began 1/1/2010
Tim Burgess
Tim Burgess
Appointed by City Council to
serve the remainder of Murray's
term after Harrell chose to
continue serving on Council.
Gordon S. Clinton
First Term Began 6/4/1956
Second Term Began 4/6/1960
Wesley C. Uhlman
First Term Began 12/1/1969
Uhlman took office early due
to Braman's resignation.
Second Term Began 1/1/1974
Paul Schell
Term Began 1/1/1998
Ed Murray
Ed Murray
Term Began 1/1/2014
Resigned 9/13/2017
Jenny Durkan
Jenny Durkan
Term Began 11/28/2017
Durkan took office
early due to Murray's

Municipal Archives, City Clerk

Jeanie Fisher, Interim City Archivist
Address: 600 Fourth Avenue, Third Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94728, Seattle, WA, 98124-4728
Phone: (206) 684-8353

The Office of the City Clerk maintains the City's official records, provides support for the City Council, and manages the City's historical records through the Seattle Municipal Archives. The Clerk's Office provides information services to the public and to City staff.