Finding Aids for Selected Collections
SMA has created finding aids for over 700 record series. These documents provide background on the individual and/or agency that created the records, information about what topics and issues are covered by the materials, and a full folder listing. (For more information, see What is a Finding Aid?) The finding aids are hosted on the Archives West consortium's website; links to them are arranged below by creating department.
Note that certain types of documents are filed with the City Clerk by various City departments. If you're looking for all finding aids related to a particular department, be sure to check the listings in the City Clerk category as well as those under the department itself.
Finding Aids
Finding Aids - Boards, Commissions, Task Forces, PDAs
- 9307-01: Arboretum and Botanical Garden Advisory Committee Records
- 9312-01: Bumbershoot Festival Commission Subject Files
- 9315-01: Civic Center Advisory and World's Fair Commissions Records
- 9323-01: Seattle Design Commission Minutes
- 9323-02: Design Commission Project Files
- 9331-03: Board of Freeholders Minutes and Weekly Reports
- 9361-01: Nightlife Advisory Board Records
- 9365-01: Office of Police Accountability Review Board Minutes and Agendas
- 9365-02: Office of Police Accountability Review Board Subject Files
- 9374-01: Seattle Center Advisory Commission Minutes
- 9375-01: Seattle-King County Drug Commission Minutes
- 9376-01: Seattle-King County Economic Opportunity Board Minutes
- 9377-02: Seattle 2000 Commission Task Force Meetings
- 9379-03: Transit News (Newsletter)
- 9380-07: Transit Talk (Newsletter)
- 9510-01: Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Minutes
- 9512-01: Central Waterfront Partnerships Committee Records
- 9514-01: Citizens' Review Panel Study Materials
- 9527-01: Green Ribbon Commission on Climate Protection Records
- 9547-01: Marijuana Policy Review Panel
- 9550-01: Mayor's Maritime Advisory Committee Minutes
- 9556-01: Metropolitan Problems Advisory Committee Minutes
- 9559-01: Pro Parks 2000 Committee Records
- 9560-01: Public Works Committee Records
- 9568-01: Rapid Transit Advisory Committee Minutes
- 9569-01: Citizens' Rate Advisory Committee Records
- 9570-01: Mayor’s Reinvestment Task Force Minutes
- 9580-01: Seattle-Kobe Affiliation Committee Public Relations Records
- 9583-01: Sick's Stadium Task Force Records
- 9591-01: Waterfront Advisory Committee Minutes
- 9710-01: Pike Place Market PDA Executive Director's Records
- 9710-02: Pike Place Market PDA Council Meeting Packets
- 9710-03: Pike Place Market PDA Executive Director's Monthly Reports
- 9710-04: Market Record Newsletter
- 9710-05: Pike Place Market Renovation Progress Reports
Finding Aids - City Auditor
Finding Aids - Office of Cable Communications
Finding Aids - City Clerk
- 1800-07: Comptroller Subject Files
- 1800-13: Comptroller Audits
- 1801-15: City Charter Revision Project Records
- 1801-17: Commission of Fifteen Freeholders Records
- 1801-21: City Charter History and Reference Materials
- 1801-23: City Council Issue Notebooks
- 1802-0P: Comptroller/Clerk File Photographs
- 1802-04: General Files
- 1802-06: Personal Record Files
- 1802-A1: Annexed Cities Annexation Documents
- 1802-A5: Independent External Audits
- 1802-A8: Civil Defense Documents
- 1802-B3: Fire Marshall's Monthly Reports
- 1802-B5: Hearings Transcripts
- 1802-B6: Emergency Supply Committee Records
- 1802-B7: Historical Landmarks Petitions and Designations
- 1802-B8: Initiatives
- 1802-B9: Health Officer Reports
- 1802-C1: Highland Park and Lake Burien Railway Records
- 1802-C2: Mayors' Messages
- 1802-C4: Police Department Women's Division/Night Patrol Reports
- 1802-C7: Port Warden Reports
- 1802-C8: Department Efficiency Committee Documents
- 1802-D6: Legislative Audits
- 1802-D8: Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power Company Maps and Property Inventory
- 1802-E2: State Auditor's Examination Reports
- 1802-E4: Riplinger Deficit Audits
- 1802-E5: Board of Theater Supervisors Documents
- 1802-E8: Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Documents
- 1802-F1: Department of Administrative Services and General Services Department Annual Reports
- 1802-F2: Board of Adjustment Annual Reports
- 1802-F3: Board of Public Works Annual Reports
- 1802-F4: Building Department Annual Reports
- 1802-F5: City Employees' Retirement System Annual Reports
- 1802-F6: Seattle City Light Annual Reports
- 1802-F7: Civil Service Commission Annual Reports
- 1802-F8: Department of Community Development Annual Reports
- 1802-G1: Department of Design, Construction and Land Use Annual Reports
- 1802-G2: Engineering Department Annual Reports
- 1802-G4: Fire Department Annual Reports
- 1802-G5: Harbor Department Annual Reports
- 1802-G6: Seattle-King County Department of Public Health and Department of Health Annual Reports
- 1802-G7: Office of the Hearing Examiner Annual Reports
- 1802-G8: Department of Human Resources Annual Reports
- 1802-G9: Human Rights Department Annual Reports
- 1802-H1: Law Department Annual Reports
- 1802-H2: Licensing and Consumer Affairs Annual Reports
- 1802-H3: Motor Transportation Division Annual Reports
- 1802-H4: Municipal Street Railway System Annual Reports
- 1802-H5: Seattle-King County Office of the Ombudsman and Citizen Complaints Annual Reports
- 1802-H6: Department of Parks and Recreation Annual Reports
- 1802-H7: Planning Commission Annual Reports
- 1802-H8: Police Department Annual Reports
- 1802-H9: Public Utilities Department Annual Reports
- 1802-I1: Division of Purchases Annual Reports
- 1802-I2: Seattle Arts Commission and Municipal Art Commission Annual Reports
- 1802-I3: Seattle Center Annual Reports
- 1802-I4: Seattle Housing Authority Annual Reports
- 1802-I5: Seattle Public Library Annual Reports
- 1802-I6: Seattle Transit System Annual Reports
- 1802-I7: Department of Streets and Sewers Annual Reports
- 1802-I8: Suggestion Award Board Annual Reports
- 1802-J1: Treasurer Annual Reports
- 1802-J2: Water Department Annual Reports
- 1802-J3: Office of Women's Rights Annual Reports
- 1802-J4: Municipal Court Annual Reports
- 1802-J6: Loyalty Oaths
- 1802-J7: Office of the Comptroller Annual Financial Reports
- 1802-K1: WTO Accountability Review Committee Document Catalog
- 1802-K4: Cedar River Watershed Cooperative Agreement Records
- 1802-L1: Air Pollution Control Advisory Board Minutes
- 1802-M5: Seattle-King County Youth Commission Minutes
- 1802-M9: Urban Renewal Advisory Board Minutes
- 1802-N2: Police Intelligence Audits
- 1802-N3: Charter Amendment Petitions and Requests
- 1803-01: Annexation Records
- 1804-A1: Local Improvement District Records (Series I)
- 1806-01: Investigation of Police Payoffs and Bribes
Finding Aids - City Light
- 1200-01: Seattle Lighting Department Records (Series I)
- 1200-02: Seattle Lighting Department Records (Series II)
- 1200-03: Seattle Lighting Department Records (Series III)
- 1200-04: Seattle Lighting Department Records (Series IV)
- 1200-11: Department History File
- 1200-12: Electric Home and Farm Authority Contract Records
- 1200-13: Superintendents' Records
- 1200-14: James D. Ross Reference Material
- 1200-15: Regional Power Planning Records
- 1200-16: Central Files
- 1200-17: Accountability Reports
- 1201-03: Advertising Scrapbooks
- 1201-08: Employee Scrapbooks
- 1201-13: Video Program Records
- 1201-14: Public Power Speeches and Radio Presentations
- 1201-15: Community Relations Records
- 1202-03: General and Plant Ledgers
- 1202-05: Annual Reports of Public Electric Utilities
- 1202-06: Capital Improvement Project Management Team Records
- 1202-07: Property Management Records
- 1203-01: Toxics Advisory Group Records
- 1203-02: Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission Records
- 1204-01: Negatives
- 1204-03: Glass Lantern Slide Collection
- 1204-04: Slide Collection
- 1204-10: Newhalem and Diablo Dams Construction Photograph Albums
- 1204-11: Gorge Dam Development Project Photograph Albums
- 1204-12: Ross Dam Construction Photograph Albums
- 1204-14: Masonry Dam Construction Photograph Album
- 1204-15: Columbia Basin "Z" Canyon Photograph Album
- 1204-16: 2006 Windstorm Damage Digital Photograph Collection
- 1204-17: Lake Union Steam Plant Construction Photograph Album
- 1204-18: Field System Operations Digital Photograph Collection
- 1204-19: Communication and Public Affairs Digital Photograph Collection
- 1204-22: Substation Photographs
- 1205-02: Customer Service Administration Records
- 1206-04: Power Management Records
- 1206-05: Operating Revenue Account Books
- 1206-06: Biomass Project Records
- 1206-07: Boundary Dam Project Records
- 1206-08: Cedar River Daily Reports of Water Conditions
- 1206-09: Copper Creek Dam Project Records
- 1206-10: Creston Coal Plant Project Records
- 1206-11: Load and Flow Data
- 1206-12: Skagit Hydroelectric Project Records
- 1206-13: Regional Power Management Records
- 1206-14: Snow Surveys
- 1206-15: Flood Control Records
- 1206-16: Millennium Legacy Lighting Project Records
- 1206-17: Weather Data
- 1206-18: Power Costs Reports
- 1207-02: Distribution Branch Director's Records
- 1208-01: Skagit Tour Records
- 1208-02: Skagit Static Newsletter
- 1208-03: Skagit Youth Camp Records
- 1208-05: Skagit Project Scrapbooks
- 1208-06: Skagit Railway Reports
- 1209-01: Skagit Management Records
- 1209-02: Facility Maintenance and Operations Records
- 1209-03: Engineering Reports
- 1209-04: Georgetown Steam Plant Logbooks
- 1212-01: Lighting Design Lab Newsletters
- 1215-01: Apprenticeship Program Records
- 1215-02: Equal Opportunity Program Records
- 1215-03: Joint Apprenticeship Advisory Committee Records
- 1215-04: Joint Labor Management Committee Minutes
- 1215-05: Electrical Crafts Apprenticeship Committee Records
- 1215-06: Laborers Apprenticeship Advisory Board Minutes
- 1215-07: Hydroelectric Maintenance Machinist Committee Records
- 1221-03: Employee Survey Records
- 1290-01: City Light Advisory Board Records
Finding Aids - Civil Service Commission/Public Safety Civil Service Commission
Finding Aids - Dept. of Community Development
- 1600-03: Director's Records
- 1604-01: Community Services Records
- 1605-01: Community Development Block Grant Administration Records
- 1605-02: Community Development Block Grant Project Records
- 1605-03: Community Development Block Grant Grantee Performance Reports
- 1611-01: Economic Development Administration Grant Project Records
- 1612-02: Economic Development Project Records
- 1612-03: Westlake Mall Project Proposals
- 1612-04: Land Use Project Director's Records
- 1612-05: Rosemary Horwood Records
- 1612-07: Westlake Mall Project Records
- 1612-08: Downtown Projects Records
- 1612-09: Washington State Convention and Trade Center Project Records
- 1612-10: South Lake Union Planning Records
- 1612-11: Stadium Parking and Access (SPARC) Committee Records
- 1612-12: Coast Guard Property Development Records
- 1615-01: Zoning Code Revision Records
- 1618-01: Office of Environmental Management Records
- 1620-01: Bill Vivian Records
- 1620-02: Housing and Neighborhood Development Central Files
- 1620-03: Richard McIver Records
- 1622-01: Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation Program (NHRP) Records
- 1622-02: David Helms Records
- 1622-05: Seattle Senior Housing Program Records
- 1622-06: Housing Development Program Records
- 1622-07: Architectural Services Records
- 1622-08: Siting Assistance Program
- 1623-01: Neighborhood Planning Records
- 1623-02: Neighborhood Technology Program Records
- 1623-03: Playground Project Records
- 1624-01: United States Postal Service Project Records
- 1624-02: University District Project Records
- 1624-03: University District Transportation Project Records
- 1624-04: Leschi Neighborhood Development Project Records
- 1624-05: Fremont Neighborhood Improvement Project Records
- 1624-06: Unity 71 Project Records
- 1624-07: South Park Neighborhood Development Project Records
- 1624-08: North Greenwood Neighborhood Development Project Records
- 1624-09: Neighborhood Development Project Applications
- 1624-11: Highland Park Neighborhood Improvement Project Records
- 1624-13: Neighborhood Development Program Records
- 1624-14: Neighborhood Improvement Program and Business District Plans and Recommendations
- 1625-01: Northlake Urban Renewal Project Records
- 1626-01: South Seattle Redevelopment Project Records
- 1627-01: Bea Hudson Records
- 1627-02: Yesler-Atlantic Neighborhood Improvement Project Subject Files
- 1627-03: Yesler-Atlantic Parcel Appraisals
- 1627-04: Yesler-Atlantic Neighborhood Improvement Project Survey Photographs
- 1628-01: Pike Place Market Records
- 1628-02: Pike Place Market Visual Images and Audiotapes
- 1628-03: Pike Place Project Hillclimb Corridor Records
- 1628-04: Friends of Pike Place Market Videotapes
- 1628-05: Pike Place Project Business Information
- 1628-06: Pike Plaza Redevelopment Project Building Survey Records
- 1629-01: Historic Building Survey Photograph Collection
- 1629-02: Neighborhood Architecture Photographs and Surveys
- 1640-01: Board of Adjustment Minutes
- 1640-04: Board of Adjustment Reports
- 1642-01: J.P. Willison Records
- 1642-02: Urban Renewal Program Subject Files
- 1642-04: Community Renewal Program Records
- 1642-06: Demonstration Projects Records
- 1642-07: Capital Improvement Projects Records
- 1642-08: Relocation Services Records
- 1642-10: Seattle Urban Renewal Enterprise (SURE) Records
- 1642-11: Cherry Hill Urban Renewal Project Records
- 1642-12: Relocation Services Correspondence
- 1642-16: Community Renewal Program Atlases
- 1650-01: Planning Commission Minutes
- 1650-02: John D. Spaeth Records
- 1650-03: Robert F. Hintz Records
- 1650-04: Planning Administration Records
- 1650-05: A.R. Redburn Records
- 1650-06: Central Business District Study Records
- 1650-07: Seattle Planning Commission Reports and Studies
- 1650-14: Planning Commission Photographs
- 1650-15: Planning Commission Correspondence
- 1650-16: Planning Commission Subject Files
- 1650-17: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
- 1650-18: Rezoning Records
- 1650-19: Planned Unit Development Applications
- 1650-20: Planning Commission Public Hearing Minutes
- 1650-21: Townhouse Proposal Records
- 1650-22: Building Department Joint Meeting Records
- 1651-01: Zoning Commission Minutes
- 1651-02: Zoning Commission Subject Files
- 1652-01: Municipal Art Commission Minutes
- 1652-02: Municipal Art Commission Subject Files
Finding Aids - Office of Economic Development
- 2100-02: Director's Records
- 2100-03: Business Assistance Center/Development Lending Company Project Records
- 2100-04: Business Development Project Records
- 2101-03: Office of Film and Music Records
- 2102-02: Economic Opportunity Task Force Records
- 2105-01: Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance Records
- 2105-02: South Lake Union Records
- 2105-03: KidsPlace Records
- 2105-04: Seattle Jobs Initiative Records
- 2105-05: Neighborhood Planning Records
Finding Aids - Engineering Department
- 2600-05: Engineering Department Director's Records
- 2600-07: Engineering Department Digest Newsletter
- 2600-08: Strategic Action Plan Task Force Records
- 2602-02: Unrecorded Subject Files
- 2606-01: Meteorological Summaries
- 2606-03: Local Climatological Data Monthly Summary
- 2606-04: Duwamish and Green Rivers Flood Control Studies
- 2606-05: Weather Data
- 2608-02: Condemnation Records
- 2608-03: Damage Cases
- 2608-05: Court Engineering Records
- 2608-06: Property Ownership Lists and Abstracts
- 2609-01: Traffic Engineering Subject Files
- 2609-03: Central Business District Transportation Study
- 2613-07: Negatives
- 2613-08: Slides
- 2613-11: Lake Washington Floating Bridge Construction Album
- 2613-20: Vehicles and Equipment Photograph Albums
- 2613-21: Third Avenue Repaving Photograph Album
- 2613-22: Denny Hill Regrade Photograph Album
- 2613-23: Seattle Bridges Photograph Album
- 2613-24: Seattle Mayors' Portraits
- 2613-25: West Seattle Freeway Bridge Construction Photographs and Slides
- 2613-26: Safety Photographs
- 2613-27: Creek Photographs and Slides
- 2613-32: University Bridge Construction and Widening Photograph Albums
- 2614-04: R.H. Thomson Freeway Records
- 2614-05: Tolt River Dam Construction Records
- 2614-06: Bridge Records
- 2614-07: Municipal Building (Yesler Building) Construction Correspondence
- 2614-12: Cedar Falls Power Plant Construction Records
- 2618-03: Bridge Foreman's Reports
- 2620-01: Street Trees and Landscaping Records
- 2623-02: Utility Franchise Records
- 2624-02: Solid Waste Subject Files
- 2625-10: Department of Streets and Sewers Photographs
- 2627-06: Tolt River Water Supply Studies
- 2630: Lake City Sewer District Records
Finding Aids - Ethics and Elections Commission
Finding Aids - Fire Department
- 2800-01: Board of Fire Commissioners Minutes
- 2801-01: Chief's General Correspondence
- 2801-03: Central Files
- 2801-05: Station House Records
- 2801-09: Fire Department Slides and Photographs
- 2801-13: Fire Department Scrapbooks
- 2801-14: Marine Fire Protection Records
- 2801-15: Public Information Officer Records
- 2802-02: Union Records
- 2802-06: Personnel Records
- 2804-03: Record of Fires
- 2805-01: Medic I and II Records
- 2810-04: Goodwill Games Records
- 2810-05: Accident Prevention and Incident Board Minutes
- 2810-06: Public Education and Fire Safety Records
- 2810-07: Building Code Revision Records
- 2810-08: Fire Marshal Subject Files
- 2810-09: Fire Code Violation Cards
- 2810-10: Fire Incident Cards
Finding Aids - Fleets and Facilities Department
Finding Aids - Hearing Examiner
- 3400-02: Hearing Examiner Subject Files
- 3402-03: Civil Rights Discrimination Complaints Cases
- 3403-02: Appeals of Director's Interpretations
- 3403-06: Master Use Permit Appeals
- 3403-08: Appeals of Landmarks Preservation Board Decisions
- 3403-12: Appeals of Pike Place Market Historical Commission Decisions
- 3403-15: Appeals of Special Review District Decisions
- 3403-16: SEPA Appeals
Finding Aids - Office of Housing
Finding Aids - Human Services Department
- 3600-02: Director's Records
- 3600-05: Elder Affairs (Newsletter)
- 3601-01: Neighborhood Planning Records
- 3602-01: Grant Management Records
- 3605-01: Domestic And Sexual Violence Prevention Office Records
- 3605-02: Domestic Violence Strategic Plan Records
- 3610-01: Seattle-King County Advisory Council on Aging Minutes and Meeting Materials
- 3611-01: Division On Aging Director's Records
- 3611-02: Case Management Program Records
- 3618-01: Community Development Block Grant Administration Records
- 3618-03: Community Development Block Grant Grantee Performance Reports
- 3620-01: Children, Youth and Family Services Division Director's Records
- 3620-02: Families and Education Levy Oversight Committee Records
- 3620-03: SafeFutures Program Records
- 3620-04: Seattle Commission on Children and Youth Records
- 3620-06: Reinvesting in Youth Records
- 3621-01: City Learning Team Records
- 3621-02: Homeless Children's Network Records
- 3622-01: Family Support Unit Records
- 3623-01: Child Development Program Records
- 3623-02: Head Start/Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program Records
- 3623-03: Child Care Staffing Task Force Records
- 3624-01: Upward Bound Records
- 3625-01: Community Services Director's Records
- 3627-01: Weatherization Assistance Program Records
- 3627-02: Weatherization Assistance Program Outreach Records
- 3628-01: Homelessness and Hunger Annual Survey Reports
- 3628-02: Homelessness Policy and Programs Records
- 3628-03: Safe Harbors Records
- 3631-01: Seattle Veterans Action Center Records
- 3635-01: Office of Program Development and Management Support Records
- 3637-01: Sand Point Community Housing Project Records
Finding Aids - Dept. of Information Technology
Finding Aids - Office of Intergovernmental Relations
- 4000-01: Director's Records
- 4001-01: Regional Governance Records
- 4001-02: Regional Planning Reference Files
- 4001-03: Seattle-King County Private Industry Council Minutes
- 4004-01: Sister Cities Records
- 4004-02: International Relations Records
- 4007-01: Tribal Relations Records
- 4010-01: Gun Violence Prevention Records
Finding Aids - Office of International Affairs
Finding Aids - Law Department
- 4400-02: Mark Sidran Subject Files
- 4402-02: Baseball Litigation Records
- 4402-04: Sidewalk Ordinance Records
- 4402-05: Pike Place Market Litigation Records
- 4403-01: Cedar River Watershed Condemnation Records
- 4403-02: Skagit Condemnations
- 4403-04: Law Department Condemnation Files
- 4403-05: Interstate 90 Development Records
- 4405-01: Same Sex Marriage Records
Finding Aids - Legislative Dept. (City Council)
- 4600-01: Legislative Department Executive Director's Records
- 4600-02: Committee of the Whole Minutes
- 4600-11: Legislative Department Digital Photograph Collection
- 4601-02: Legislative Department Central Reference File
- 4607-01: Legislative Audits and Special Project Reports
- 4610-01: Joint Committee for December Storm Response Records
- 4610-02: Citizen Advisory Panel on Council Elections Records
- 4610-04: City Council Advisory Panel on Police Accountability Records
- 4613-02: Sally Bagshaw Subject Files
- 4615-02: Tim Burgess Subject Files
- 4616: Sally Clark Records
- 4618-02: Cheryl Chow Subject Files
- 4619-02: Charlie Chong Subject Files
- 4620: Jim Compton Records
- 4621: Richard Conlin Records
- 4622: David Della Records
- 4623-02: Sue Donaldson Subject Files
- 4624: Jan Drago Records
- 4629-02: Lorena González Subject Files
- 4630-02: Virginia Galle Subject Files
- 4631-02: Jean Godden Subject Files
- 4632-02: Bruce Harrell Subject Files
- 4634-02: Kirsten Harris-Talley Subject Files
- 4635-02: Lisa Herbold Subject Files
- 4636-02: Michael Hildt Subject Files
- 4641-02: Rob Johnson Subject Files
- 4647-02: Paul Kraabel Subject Files
- 4649-02: Andrew Lewis Subject Files
- 4650: Nick Licata Records
- 4652-02: John Manning Subject Files
- 4654: Richard McIver Records
- 4660-02: Teresa Mosqueda Subject Files
- 4661: Judy Nicastro Records
- 4663-02: Jane Noland Subject Files
- 4665-02: Mike O'Brien Subject Files
- 4666-02: John Okamoto Subject Files
- 4667: Margaret Pageler Records
- 4668-02: Abel Pacheco Subject Files
- 4669-02: Alex Pedersen Subject Files
- 4672: Tom Rasmussen Records
- 4673-02: Randy Revelle Subject Files
- 4674-02: Norm Rice Subject Files
- 4675-02: Jack Richards Subject Files
- 4678-02: Alfred R. Rochester Scrapbooks
- 4681-02: Dolores Sibonga Subject Files
- 4682: Sam Smith Records
- 4683-02: Jim Street Subject Files
- 4684: Peter Steinbrueck Records
- 4691-02: Tom Weeks Subject Files
- 4693: Jeanette Williams Records
- 4693-11: Jeanette Williams Photographs
- 4695: Heidi Wills Records
- 5001-01: Office of Management and Budget Subject Files
- 5001-03: Director's Records
- 5010-01: Law and Justice Planning Manager's Records
- 5010-02: Law and Justice Planning Project Records
- 5015-01: Housing and Community Development Subject Files
- 5015-02: Atlas and Morrison Hotels Project Records
- 5020-01: Health Clinic Records
- 5020-02: Anti-Violence Project Records
- 5025-01: Families and Education Levy Interdepartmental Team Records
Finding Aids - Mayor's Office
- 5200-03: Office of the Mayor Digital Photograph Collection
- 5200-04: Seattle Municipal Reports
- 5200-07: Mayor's Office Central Files
- 5210-01: Records of the Office of the Mayor
- 5210-02: Post-War Public Works and Improvements Advisory Committee Final Report
- 5219-04: Gordon Clinton Photographs
- 5219-05: Gordon Clinton Election Scrapbooks
- 5246-01: Mike McGinn Subject Correspondence
- 5257-01: Ed Murray Mayoral Office Subject Files
- 5257-03: Ed Murray Staff Records
- 5257-04: Office of Policy and Innovation Records
- 5259: Greg Nickels Mayoral Records
- 5267-01: Allan Pomeroy Records
- 5272: Norm Rice Mayoral Records
- 5274: Charles Royer Mayoral Records
- 5279: Paul Schell Mayoral Records
- 5287: Wesley C. (Wes) Uhlman Mayoral Records
- 5295-01: Harry White Mayor's Messages
Finding Aids - Model City Program
Finding Aids - Department of Neighborhoods
- 5750-01: Director's Records
- 5750-04: Public Information Officer Records
- 5750-06: Community Issues
- 5750-08: Department of Neighborhoods Photograph Collection
- 5751-01: City Neighborhood Council Records
- 5751-02: Involving All Neighbors Project Records
- 5751-03: Central Area Special Projects Records
- 5751-04: Programs Division Administrative Records
- 5751-05: African American Museum Project Records
- 5751-06: Neighborhood Street Fund Records
- 5751-07: Special Projects Records
- 5751-08: Pike/Pine Project Records
- 5751-09: P-Patch Surveys
- 5751-10: P-Patch Program Records
- 5751-13: Community Engagement Coordinator Records
- 5751-14: People's Academy for Community Engagement Records
- 5752-01: Neighborhood Service Centers Director's Records
- 5752-02: Neighborhood Service Centers Reports
- 5752-03: Citizens Service Bureau Records
- 5752-04: Downtown Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-05: Fremont Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-06: Greenwood Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-07: Queen Anne/Magnolia Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-08: Capitol Hill Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-09: Central Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-10: Greater Duwamish Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-11: West Seattle Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-12: East District Neighborhood Service Center Records
- 5752-13: Central Area Neighborhood District Coordinator Records
- 5752-14: Northeast Neighborhood District Coordinator Records
- 5752-15: Lake City Neighborhood District Coordinator Records
- 5752-17: Southwest/Southeast Neighborhood District Coordinator Records
- 5753-01: Office of Education Records
- 5754-01: Office of Urban Conservation Subject Files
- 5754-10: Section 106 Coordinator Digital Photographs
- 5754-A: Landmarks Preservation Board Records
- 5754-B: Ballard Avenue Landmark District Records
- 5754-C: International Special Review District Records
- 5754-D: Pike Place Market Historical District Records
- 5754-E: Pioneer Square Preservation District Records
- 5756-01: Neighborhood Matching Fund Administrative Records
- 5756-02: Neighborhood Matching Fund Project Records
- 5756-03: Neighborhood Matching Fund Small and Simple Grant Project Records
- 5756-04: Tree Fund Records
- 5756-05: External Beautification Fund Records
- 5756-06: Small Sparks Fund Records
- 5756-07: Youth and Anti-Violence Grant Records
- 5756-08: Neighborhood Outreach and Development Fund Records
- 5756-09: Race and Social Justice Project Records
- 5757-01: Neighborhood Preservation and Development Director’s Records
- 5757-02: Neighborhood Development Managers Records
- 5757-03: City/University of Washington Community Advisory Committee Records
- 5757-04: 12th Avenue Development Plan Records
- 5757-05: Neighborhood Planning Implementation Records
- 5760-01: Neighborhood Planning Office Director's Records
- 5760-05: Neighborhood Planning Advisory Committee Records
- 5761-01: Public Information Officer's Records
- 5761-03: Neighborhood Planning Tool Kit
- 5762-01: Neighborhood Plans
- 5762-02: Neighborhood Planning Project Records
- 5762-03: Neighborhood Planning Office Community Profiles
Finding Aids - Dept. of Parks and Recreation
- 5800-01: Board of Park Commissioners Minutes
- 5800-04: Board of Park Commissioners Solicited Legal Opinions
- 5800-06: Board of Park Commissioners Agendas and Meeting Materials
- 5800-07: Board of Park Commissioners Subject Files (Series II)
- 5800-08: Board of Park Commissioners Subject Files (Series I)
- 5801-01: Don Sherwood Parks History Collection
- 5801-02: Ben Evans Recreation Program Collection
- 5801-03: Friends of Seattle's Olmsted Parks Collection
- 5801-04: Fort Lawton History Collection
- 5801-07: Discovery Park Photograph Collection
- 5801-08: Olmsted Brothers Photographs
- 5801-09: Market Park Totem Pole Construction Photographs and Logbook
- 5801-10: Laurel Mercury Slide Collection
- 5802-01: Superintendent's Subject Files
- 5802-05: Weekly Reports
- 5802-06: Community Relations Coordinator's Records
- 5802-07: Public Information Officer's Records
- 5802-09: Slides
- 5802-10: Photographs
- 5802-12: Monthly Reports
- 5802-13: Burke-Gilman Trail Photographs
- 5802-15: Digital Photographs
- 5802-16: Park Employee Association Records
- 5802-17: Audit Reports
- 5804-04: Forward Thrust Photograph Collection
- 5804-05: Construction and Maintenance Records
- 5804-07: Property Acquisition Records
- 5804-10: Open Space Acquisition Records
- 5804-13: Millennium Woods Legacy Project Records
- 5804-14: Model City Project Records
- 5804-16: Open Space Program Records
- 5805-02: Aquarium Public Information Officer Records
- 5807-01: Works Progress Administration Recreation Project Reports
- 5807-03: Dance Advisory Council Records
- 5807-05: Bumbershoot Festival Records
- 5807-06: Advisory Council for Specialized Programs Minutes and Reports
- 5807-07: Music Program Records
- 5807-09: Senior Adult Advisory Council Minutes
- 5807-10: Final Season Reports for Playgrounds and Fieldhouses
- 5807-12: Golf Advisory Council Records
- 5807-13: Golf Records
- 5807-14: Performing and Visual Arts Program Records
- 5807-15: Theatre Program Records
- 5807-16: City Art Works Records
- 5807-17: Municipal Golf of Seattle Records
- 5807-19: Civic Christmas Ship Records
- 5807-20: Environmental Stewardship Unit Records
- 5808-01: Seward Park Art Studio Records
- 5808-02: South Division Director's Records
- 5808-03: Camp Long Records
- 5809-02: Carkeek Park Environmental Learning Center Records
- 5809-03: Carkeek Park Advisory Council Records
- 5809-04: Sand Point Advisory Committee Records
- 5809-05: Discovery Park Advisory Council Records
- 5810-01: Pratt Fine Arts Center Records
- 5811-01: Pro Parks Development Digital Photographs
- 5811-02: Pro Parks Acquisition Open Space Photographs
- 5811-04: Open Space and Trails Bond Program Citizens Oversight Committee Records
Finding Aids - Personnel Department
- 6000-04: Personnel Director's Records
- 6002-01: Affirmative Action Reports
- 6002-02: Equal Employment Opportunity Reports
- 6002-03: Affirmative Action Task Force Records
- 6002-04: Equal Employment Opportunity Program Records
- 6003-01: Labor Relations Subject Files
- 6005-01: Labor Commissioner's Correspondence
- 6008-01: Digital Photographs
Finding Aids - Planning
- 6305-01: Population and Neighborhood Statistics
- 6310-01: Downtown Planning Projects Records
- 6310-02: Open Space Projects Records
- 6310-03: Environmentally Critical Areas Records
- 6310-04: Citywide Planning Projects Records
- 6310-05: Major Institutions Records
- 6310-06: Neighborhood Projects Records
- 6320-01: Seattle Commons Project Records
- 6320-02: Baseball Park Records
- 6330-01: Housing Options Program Records
- 6330-02: Immigrant and Refugee Engagement Records
- 6340-01: Transit Planning Records
- 6340-02: Light Rail Station Area Planning Records
- 6350-01: Police Accountability Review Panel Records
- 6350-02: Drug Policy Records
- 6350-03: Police Department Citizen Perception Surveys
- 6350-04: Parks Firearm Ban Records
Finding Aids - Department of Planning and Development
Finding Aids - Police Department
Finding Aids - Seattle Center
- 7600-01: Executive Director's Records
- 7600-02: Assistant Director's Records
- 7605-02: Buildings and Operations Records
- 7606-01: Seattle Center Merchants Association Records
- 7610-03: Bumbershoot Festival Records
- 7613-01: Promotion and Publicity Records
- 7613-05: Concessions and Amusement Rides Photograph Albums
- 7614-01: Seattle Center Foundation Century 21 Photograph Collection
Finding Aids - Seattle Public Library
Finding Aids - Seattle Public Utilities
- 7000-01: Director's Records
- 7000-02: Communications Division Digital Photographs
- 7001-01: Civic Center Digital Photographs
- 7003-01: Project Records
- 7009-01: Science, Sustainability, and Watershed Digital Photographs
- 7009-02: Cedar River Hatchery Annual Reports
- 7019-01: Project Management Digital Photographs
- 7020-01: Joint Labor-Management Committee Records
Finding Aids - Office of Sustainability and Environment
Finding Aids - Seattle Department of Transportation
Finding Aids - Water Department
- 8200-02: Superintendent's Correspondence
- 8200-05: Central Files
- 8200-10: Historical Files
- 8200-16: Reports and Writings
- 8203-05: Water System Services Records
- 8204-01: Cedar River Watershed Condemnation Negatives
- 8204-02: Cedar River Watershed Maps
- 8204-03: Seattle Watershed and Pipeline Aerial Photographs
- 8204-05: Northern Tier Pipeline Records
- 8205-10: Fluoride Scrapbook
- 8205-11: Water Quality Scrapbook
- 8206-01: Conservation Office Records
Finding Aids - Office for Women's Rights
- 8401-01: Subject Files
- 8401-02: Affirmative Action Records
- 8401-03: Project YES Records
- 8402-01: Comparable Worth Records
- 8402-02: Women Firefighters Project Records
- 8405-02: Gay and Lesbian Task Force Records
- 8405-03: Seattle Commission on Lesbians and Gays Minutes
- 8405-04: Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays Subject Files
- 8406-01: Task Force on Chemically Dependent Women Records
- 8410-01: Seattle Women's Commission Minutes
- 8410-03: Seattle Women's Commission Subject Files
Finding Aids - Woodland Park Zoo
- 8600-03: Zoo Employee Newsletters
- 8600-04: Seattle Zoological Society and Woodland Park Zoological Society Newsletters
- 8600-05: Zoo Volunteer Newsletters
- 8600-06: Status of Animal Collection
- 8600-07: Annual Reports
- 8600-09: Docent Manuals
- 8601-01: Zoo History File
- 8601-04: Accreditation Records
- 8601-06: Bond Issue Records
- 8601-07: American Zoo and Aquarium Association Conference Planning Records
- 8601-12: Woodland Park Zoo Staff Information Files
- 8602-01: Director's Records
- 8604-01: Woodland Park Zoological Society Board Minutes
- 8604-02: Woodland Park Zoological Society Board Subject Files
- 8604-03: Center for Wildlife Conservation Records
- 8610-01: Animal Transaction Records
- 8610-02: Animal Management Records
- 8611-01: Bird Collection Monthly Reports
- 8620-01: Golden Monkey Exhibit Records
- 8621-01: Special Events Records
- 8630-01: Master Plan Records
- 8630-02: Water Conservation Records
- 8630-03: Facility and Exhibit Planning Records
- 8640-01: Photograph Collection
Finding Aids - Miscellaneous
- 0001-01: City of Seattle Harvested Websites
- 1000-02: Seattle-King County Ombudsman Reports
- 1000-03: Seaplane Noise Observation Project Records
- 5700-04: Municipal Street Railway System Employee Special Investigation Committee Records
- 8004-01: Tax Lists for the City of Seattle
- 9901-01: Postcard Collection
- 9905-02: Civil Defense Newsletters
- 9930-01: Henry R. Herold Photograph Collection
- 9945-01: Kiehl-Mann Photograph Collection
- 9955-02: Archie Cooksey Slide Collection
- 9985-01: Tore Ofteness Photograph Collection
- 9995-01: George I. Hoyt Photograph Collection